Challenge Overview
Travel Buddy is a ride sharing application that Praxair employees can use to coordinate ride sharing on company trips. It’s a fun way to encourage collaboration and company interaction. In this internal “UBER-like” experience, Praxair employees can offer rides, join rides, chat about upcoming trips, and get suggestions from the APP and it’s users on where to stay, eat, and play on their trips.
We will build the project with the following technologies:
- Front-end: AngularJS + HTML5 + CSS + Cordova (iPhone and Android)
- Back-end: ASP.NET MVC + SQL Server
Your job in this contest is to design the Back-end APIs, and detailing how the Front-end will interact with these APIs. The storyboard of the Front-end app will be provided to you, and we don't have any specifications for it. So please ask questions early in the contest forum.
Final Submission Guidelines
Submission Delivarable
- Application Design Specification
- Sequence Diagram
- Class Diagram
- Assembly Specification