Challenge Summary
Welcome to this challenge redesigning the Customer Community Landing page for Appirio's Cloud Management Center!
Appirio uses an application called Cloud Management Center (or CMC) to manage project work for our customers. The current landing page for the Appirio Customer Community giving customers access to CMC project work is frankly pretty bland and more importantly doesn't give easy access to items needing attention or resources to help users understand how to use the application. The good news is that with your help, we'll change all of that!
Round 1
Submit a design with the required design elements, and notes explaining navigation and interaction supported by your design. Feedback will be provided to make changes in the final submission.
Round 2
As round 1 - submit a design with the required design elements, and notes explaining navigation and interaction supported by your design.
Challenge Description:
You will produce a design for the Appirio Customer Community landing page (single page design).
Supporting documents/resources:
Current Appirio Customer Community Landing Page:
Appirio Brand Style Guide: see file attachment on the challenge.
CMC HomePage Mock: see file attachment on the challenge. IMPORTANT: only for reference, not intended as design requirements for layout or content.
Design Considerations:
Key themes to include in your designs are to help users easily find information that needs their attention in an appealing, intuitive, and easy to navigate way. Optimize for full screen laptop e.g. 1024 width. Responsive design for smaller form factors is nice to have, not explicitly required.
Required Features:
The key elements the landing page must include are:
- At a glance metrics for key categories of project-wide work e.g. Project-wide Blocked items (Stories, Issues, and Tasks), Items overdue (Tasks), and Items needing signoff (Story requirements, and Story feature complete).
- At a glance metrics for key categories of user-owned work e.g. My Blocked items (Stories, Issues, and Tasks), My Open items (Stories, Issues, and Tasks), My Items due soon (Tasks), and My Items overdue (Tasks).
- Access to training resources e.g. videos, documents, or articles on external websites.
Navigation within the design:
- Users must be able to navigate to a target web page (design of the target page not needed) where user can access the records that make up the count of an individual at-a-glance metric. For instance, if there is a metric showing My Blocked Stories, the user should be able to click into some design element (the metric value itself, or a button, link, or other page element) to open a new browser tab with the list of story records that are blocked.
- Users should be able to open and view training videos without navigating away from the page.
- Users should be able to open and view training documents without navigating away from the page.
- Users should be able to open external website training content in a separate browser tab.
Regarding CMC terminology on Story, Issue, and Task:
CMC is an agile-inspired project management tool. There are several types of work items that it tracks, for instance Stories, Issues, and Tasks.
- Stories - user stories that describe capabilities intended to be delivered. These are grouped by project, and have a team of owners e.g. Dev Owner, QA Owner, and Functional Owner (business owner). Project managers will monitor status of all stories for a project typically by sprints and focusing mainly on open blocked stories, and individual story owners (Dev, QA, or Functional owners) will monitor and manage the progress of stories they own.
- Issues - reports of a problem e.g. a bug. Like Stories, issues have a Dev and QA Owner. Project managers tend to track open issues across a project, and individual issue owners monitor and manage the status of issues they own.
- Tasks - development to-dos typically owned by Developers as part of the work on a Story or Issue. Project manages track tasks and mainly focus on overdue or blocked tasks that impact the delivery of stories and issues. Task owners, focus on tasks that are nearing their due dates, and tasks that are blocked or overdue.
Target Audience:
Users of this application are typically IT personnel for companies doing business with Appirio who collaborate on the implementation of various consulting projects e.g. Salesforce Sales Cloud or migration to Google Apps, etc. Users may be project managers, individual contributors that develop or test parts of the delivered solutions, as well as Appirio sub-contractors. They expect a visually appealing website that lets them work with their project information in an efficient, effective, intuitive way.
Judging Criteria:
Your submission will be judged on the following criteria:
- Ability to convey to the user what project elements (overdue tasks, stories needing signoff, etc.) need the user's attention.
- The ability to easily navigate to the item(s) needing attention via intuitive navigation.
- The ability to easily access training materials.
- Level of innovation from the existing landing page design, visual appeal, design cohesiveness, simplicity, and overall user experience that follows the Appirio style guide.
Submission & Source files:
Preview Image
Please create your preview image as one (1) 1024x1024px JPG or PNG file in RGB color mode at 72dpi and place a screenshot of your submission within it.
Submission File
Submit JPG/PNG for your submission files.
Source Files
All original source files of the submitted design. Files should be created in Adobe Photoshop and saved as layered PSD file, or Adobe Illustrator as a layered AI file.
Final Fixes
As part of the final fixes phase you may be asked to modify your graphics (sizes or colors) or modify overall colors. We may ask you to update your design or graphics based on checkpoint feedback.
Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.