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Challenge Overview

This is the first in a series of challenges to develop a selfie sharing app with photo editing and decorating capabilities.  This challenge will focus on capturing a photo and editing it with text and stickers.

You’ll be utilizing the Adobe Illustrator file ( in the design respository for UI references to implement the photo selection and decoration screens.

Photo Selection (Screen #1)
This screen will allow the user to select a photo from their camera roll or take a new photo with the device’s camera.

-- Use AVCaptureSession to show a preview layer from the camera below the UI elements, as well as capture the still image
-- Use a UIImagePicker controller to select a photo from the device’s camera roll

-- Top left goes back one screen (stub functionality)
-- Top right switches the camera front/back (taking photo) or goes to the next screen (post photo selection)
-- Bottom left selects a photo from the device’s camera roll
-- Bottom middle takes a new photo
-- Bottom right goes to camera settings to set the flash on/off and photo resolution

After a photo has been selected, display the red “Retake” and green “Done” buttons.
-- “Retake” starts the process over
-- “Done” goes to the next screen

After the user has selected their photo, navigate to screen #2.

Photo Decoration (Screen #2)
This screen will allow the user to decorate their selected photo with stickers, text, etc. All decorated layers added to the original photo need to be saved as a single photo post editing.

-- Top left goes back one screen
-- Top right progresses to the next step (stub functionality)
-- Bottom left activates sticker overlays
-- Bottom middle activates text overlays
-- Bottom right activates face overlays

On all decoration actions:
-- Use the overlays provided in the design for this challenge
-- Overlays and/or text should be resizable and able to be rotated once placed on the photo
-- The user should be able to zoom in/out and reposition the photo for framing purposes

For text overlays:
-- All fonts available on the device should be shown in a scrollable list for selection
-- Include text color options as indicated in the design

After the user has completed decorating their photo, navigate to screen #3.

Photo Sharing (Screen #3)
This screen will allow the user to share their decorated photo or save it to the device’s camera roll.  For this challenge the screen only needs to display the decorated photo and save it to the device.

-- Top left goes back one screen
-- Top right shares the photo (stub functionality)
-- Bottom left saves the decorated photo to the device’s camera roll
-- Bottom right selects users to share the photo with (stub functionality)

Final Submission Guidelines

-- All code should be written in Swift and be well commented
-- Code must compile in Xcode 6.1 against iOS SDK 8.1 with a deployment target of iOS 7.0
-- Open source libraries may be used for photo editing as long as their license (if any) permits
-- Use auto layout and size classes to fit all classes of iPhone device (4”, 4.7” and 5” screens)
-- Use storyboards for all views and navigation
-- Only portrait orientation needs to be supported
-- Upload your source project as a zip
-- Include your gitlab username and URL of your forked repository in your documentation
-- Provide a video overview of your submission

-- Send an email to harrywynn and request to be added to Team Tiefblau on gitlab if you are not already a member
-- Once added to the team, fork the repository and work off of the SnapThx1 branch
-- References and assets for the UI are in the design respository
-- Add harrywynn as a member of your forked repository


2015 topcoder Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30047158