Challenge Overview
We have previously launched the following two contests for the Media Library project:
- Media Library Mockup NodeJS REST API:
- Media Library Cordova Mobile App Using Local Static JSON Data:
We will also provide you a partially completed Media Library IBM Worklight Mobile App, which is based upon the Cordova Mobile App above. Our client worked internally to change Mobile App to use IBM Worklight instead, and load data from IBM's internal Media Library API, which is not accessible publicly. The purpose of this project is make this IBM Worklight Mobile App work with our mockup Media Library API.
For this particular contest, we would like you to implement the following tasks:
- Allow user to login with any userName / password - the login mock should be done in HTTP Adapter
- Integrate the following screens with the Mockup REST API
- Featured Media Screen - the initial screen after user logs in. You only need to list all the fetched medias, and support the tap to navigate to the media details screen action in this contest.
- Media Details Screen - you only need to show all the media details on this screen. And user should be able to play the video associated with the media. No need to support the other actions.
For the play video feature, you should ensure the app can play a mp4 video on Android 4.2, Android 4.4 and iOS devices / simulators. A note from client mentions that "Android changed their default browser in v4.4 which affected the <video>
HTML5 tag, so now the code we have can play .mp4 videos on Android 4.2 and iOS but fails on Android 4.4." If you can't find any normal alternative, one option is to create a Cordova Plugin as an Android Video Player, and only do this in case of Android 4.4
and above (e.g.
In the Worklight App, all interactions to the Mockup Media REST API should be done through the HTTP Adapter. Note that as our Mockup Media Library follows the Media Library API Document, so when user changes to use the actual one, all they need should be changing the API site prefix.
Note that it has 24-hour review phase, 12-hour appeal phase and 6-hour appeal-response phase. Pay attention to it.
Final Submission Guidelines
Submission Deliverable
- Source Code
- Detailed Deployment Guide with Verification Steps