Event Check In iOS Apps PoC Assembly - realworldswift

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Challenge Overview

Competition Task Overview

For this challenge, we are going to build two PoC apps:

  • An iPad app
    • This app will receive requests from the iPhone app and there will be two types of requests:
      • Initial request: this request will contain the user token and the iPad app can use some mock implementation to authenticate the user. If the token is valid it will show the screen mentioned below and send a random 5-digit pin code to the iPhone app. Invalid tokens are ignored but logged.
      • Check-in request: this request will contain the pin code to verify with the iPad app. If it matches the pin code sent by the iPad app in the above step, show a check-in successful message. Otherwise show check-in failed message. Send a message back to the iPhone app in either case (true or false). Note this check-in request is only received if the user chooses to use Touch ID on the iPhone app
    • This app will show something similar to 2.Popup.png from this link once it receives a valid initial request, but we do not need same look & feel, minimal UI is fine
    • If the user declines to use Touch ID or the phone doesn't support Touch ID, the user will need to manually enter the pin code (5-digit) on the iPad app, they will see the pin code on their iPhone
    • We'll need a delete / backspace button in the event the person typing the pin code on the iPad messes up and needs to go back one number.
  • An iPhone app
    • When the iPhone app approaches the iPad app and detects it via Bluetooth LE, it will send the initial request as described above
    • If the request is accepted by the iPad app the iPhone app should receive a 5-digit pin code���
      • If the iphone supports touch id, show a screen with the option to let user confirm the pin code using touch id (i.e. no need to manually enter the pin code received). And if the touch ID is valid the iPhone app will automatically send the check-in request to the iPad app
      • If the iphone doesn't support touch id or user declines to use touch id, then the iPhone app will display the 5-digit pin code sent by the iPad app and indicate to the user that he/she needs to enter the pin code on the iPad app

Keep in mind the following requirements as well:

  • The app must be developed using Swift and Xcode 6.1
  • The app must support iOS 7 / 8
  • Minimal UI is fine, it's more important to demonstrate the features instead of the UI. We have other challenges going on to do the UI and we'll do the integration later.
  • You should properly document your code
  • We do not have any other documents for this so if you have any questions, ask in the forum early.

Technology Overview

  • Xcode 6.1
  • iPad / iPhone
  • iOS 7 / 8
  • Bluetooth LE
  • Touch ID
  • Swift

Documentation Provided

No extra document is needed, just check the above requirements and build the PoC apps.

Final Submission Guidelines

Submission Deliverables

A complete list of deliverables can be viewed in the TopCoder Assembly competition Tutorial at: http://apps.topcoder.com/wiki/display/tc/Assembly+Competition+Tutorials 

Below is an overview of the deliverables:

  • Working iOS apps (including source code) that covers all requriements. Note you should include two separate projects (one for iPad and one for iPhone) in your submission.
  • A complete and detailed deployment documented explaining how to deploy the application including configuration information.

Final Submission

For each member, the final submission should be uploaded via the challenge detail page on topcoder.com


2015 topcoder Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30047375