IBM Worklight Hybrid Mobile App - Media Library Integration Part-2

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The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

We have previously launched initial code challenge to make the Media Library work in IBM Worklight ( 

In this contest we will continue where we left off, and the following items are required for this contest:

  • The Featured screen, Suggested screen, Popular screen, Search screen, and the Media Details screen should be integrated with the Mockup REST API. Note that all user actions on these screens are also in scope (e.g. add comment, rate media)
  • On Media Details screen, user should be able to play medias with the these types: mp4, avi, mp3, mov, mpg, flv, wave, ogg. And there are also medias with these types: pdf, docx etc.. You need to handle them properly as well.
  • After the media file is downloaded, we should be able to play the media file offline. 
  • Make sure all calls to the Mockup REST API are done through the Adapters
  • Optional - Download features and update the Login screen to match the UI prototype are optional.

Note that the result screens should match the original Cordova Media Library Mobile App. Most part of your job is to wire the UI with the Mockup REST API, it's not that hard actually. 

Final Submission Guidelines

Submission Deliverable

  • Source Code
  • Detailed Deployment Guide with Verification Steps


2015 topcoder Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30047520