Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Dear Awesome [topcoder] Community,


Earlier this year, at the Google I/O event, we were provided more information about the Polymer Project - a library that allows developers to create web components for web applications.

This is a "bleeding-edge technology". You can bundle markup and styling in custom HTML elements and reuse these across your web applications.


We are really excited for two reasons - One that the new Star Wars trailer was released. And other because we at topcoder are kicking off challenges that seek to create web components using Polymer.


Post registration you will find a document in the challenge forums detailing the first custom element that we are seeking to create.

Your challenge, should you chose to participate, is to create a web component implementing the requirements mentioned using Polymer.


Yours sincerely,

[topcoder] team


P.S. Properly structure your files. Seperate the javascript code and styling from the markup. 

P.P.S. We love comments in code. Use them wisely.

Final Submission Guidelines

The bundle containing the script, styling and markup of the Polymer based Web Component.

An example which uses the created component. You don't have to provide a server, just a simple page created in Angularjs which includes and declares your custom HTML element utilizing all the exposed properties and methods.

Finally provide a document that explains your design choices. We are all still mastering Polymer and would love to hear from you about your approaches.

If you followed any blogs, articles or tutorials that helped you arrive at a decision (apart from the official documentation), include them as well.


2015 topcoder Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30047523