Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

This is the second in a series of challenges to develop the Android build of the Jim Bowie and Sam Houston challenges.  This challenge will focus on building the UI for the session listing, session detail and speaker screens.

You'll be referencing the screens from the current build of the iOS version of the app located in the design repository 
here to build out the views defined below.  The PSD design in the branch you'll be working with is to only be used for generating necessary UI elements, not as the design guide. Use the REST services singleton and listeners for retrieving data when necessary.  Be sure to review the README in the repository for other relevant information.  The Agenda tab will be implemented in a separate challenge.

Session Listing (Agenda2 PSD group)
-- Call the consolidated data call on load and when user refreshes and cache locally (detail below)
-- Attendee tab data is populated in Briefings -> Attendees
-- Speakers tab data displays attendees that are also Discussion Leaders

-- Reference the WillTravis4 branch for intended tab design and usage

Material Tab
-- Implement the view as a web view that loads:
-- Pass the stored EBCKEY value as a parameter to the above URL
-- Incorporate this data and view into the existing My Visit screen
-- Eliminate any sorting and filtering functionality from this view

Speaker (SpeakerDetail PSD group)
-- Detail displayed should be from the speaker selected on the Session Detail screen
-- Remove the “Awards” section
-- Photos on the speaker detail screens are returned from the services
-- URLs located in Discussion_Leader_Photo__c, Speaker_Two_Photo__c and Speaker_Three_Photo__c fields

All Views (where applicable)
-- Stub out functionality for opening the menu (top left icon) and alerts (top right icon)

-- Replace any stock (watermarked) skyline photos with images located in the design repository here
-- Defensive programming on data handling of JSON objects from REST services (e.g. null checks, etc.)

Data (where applicable)
-- Cache copies of the API JSON responses locally for offline access
-- Update the cached copies when the app launches
-- Use these cached copies for displaying data in the UI

-- Send an email to 
harrywynn or lazybaer and request to be added to the Project Alamo team on if you are not already a member
-- Once added to the team, fork the repository if you haven’t already and work off of the WillTravis2b branch
-- Add harrywynn and lazybaer as members of your forked repository
-- Designs are in the design repository, added as a submodule to the branch you'll be working with.  View the repository's README for instructions on pulling them

-- iOS reference screens are located in the design repository here


Final Submission Guidelines

-- Android source project developed with Android Studio 1.0.1
-- Code must compile with the minimum API level of 16, targeting API level 21
-- Only portrait orientation needs to be supported
-- Upload your source project as a zip
-- Include your username and URL of your forked repository in your documentation
-- Provide a video overview of your submission


2015 topcoder Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30048278