IBM Worklight Hybrid Mobile App - Media Library Search Filters

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Challenge Overview

The following items are in scope:

  • We want a custom URL for media item, so that when user clicks on it from device (browser or other apps) that will open media library app and land on the media details page
  • Make the search filter page work
  • We want an additional filter for file size so if we follow 4 options then

    <1M, <10M, <100M, Any Size

    We want the filter options (size and file types) to also be on the settings page, and those will be the default pulling up when user does search.  However the ones on the settings page need to also apply to suggested/featured listing.  The changes on the search page will not affect the default settings. Code should automatically filter out the audio and video files that are not supported by the device.

  • Note that after user performs the search & filter, user clicks the Media Item to view and then Go back, the search & filter result should be cached. The filter is performed aginst the search result directly, it's a local operation (there is no REST API for filtering).

  • When search page opens the cursor should go into the search field and keypad displayed. Change the menu icon to a back arrow on the search screen so that it goes back to whichever view the user was in.

  • Show 8 items a time in suggested/popular/featured/download media list pages. although we will retrieve all of them. then when user pulls down the next 8 will display.  This number should be configurable on the settings page. Show 8 items a time on download page as well. Use the same configuration earlier. Again when user clicks into details and goes back the listing should be cached rather than retrieving the first page from the server.

Note that we will provide you the codebase which can actually work with client's backend REST API. You will need to make some changes to it to use our Mock REST API. You need to clearly document such kind of changes so that it can be easy for us to switch back. Note that search result caching may be fixed in the provided codebase, please double check.  

Final Submission Guidelines

Submission Deliverable

  • Updated Source Code
  • Detailed Deployment Guide with Verification Steps


2015 topcoder Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30048415