Challenge Overview
Project Overview
The JIVE Project is a simple application we want to build which will list out Innocentive challenges and challenge details directly in Jive. Jives apps are essentially little node.js applications which live inside of Jive itself.
Competition Task Overview
This challenge should extend the existing API to support the JIVA App to show the challenge list and challenge details.
Note: Please use Swagger ( to design the API for this project. You should provide the Swagger API Design.
The UI Prototype, current API spec and ERD will be provided to registrants.
Detailed Requirements
- Challenge Detail API
- Challenge Name
- Challenge Spec
- Next Deadline Date
- Challenge Prize
- Challenge Attachments (Only viewable for regsitrants)
- Challenge Tags
- Download Attachments API - only registrants of the challenge could access it
- View Submissions API
- Submission Number
- Submit Date
- Author
- Download Submissions API - only users of the role ITAdmin or Seeker have privileges to download submissions
- Preview Submissions API - only users of the role ITAdmin or Seeker have privileges to view submissions
- Challenge Term API - return the registration term for the challenge
- Register Challenge API - register the current user to the challenge
- Challenge List API
- Challenge Name
- Challenge Type
- Create Date
- Next Deadline
- Number of Registrations
- Number of Submissions
- Prize
- My Challanges API - similar to challenge list API but only return the challenges registed by the current user
Open Source Library
Technology Overview
Final Submission Guidelines
- Application Design Specification
- Assembly Challenges Specification
- Swagger API Design