Challenge Summary
Welcome to another LUX Challenge! The LUX is a "Live User Experience Design Challenge" that we like to run as a fast design challenge live at a customer event or conference. The "LUX - 48HR Mobile Report Interactive Tool Concepts Challenge" will be run during the next 48 hours. At the end of the challenge we will take the presentation screens you create and share your collective creative talent!
We are very excited to provide this cool design opportunity to the TopCoder Design Studio Community - a fun way to showcase your FAST!! design skills!
The LUX Challenge Series provide you with an opportunity to show digital leaders from some of the largest brands in the world just how good your user interface and user experience (UI/UX) design skills are. LUX challenges are fast, fun, and have more chances for you to capture prize money.
Note: This is our 12th LUX Challenge! No previous experience in a LUX challenge is needed to compete - jump in and give it a try! Make sure to follow the challenge forum and ask questions as things move very fast in a LUX challenge.
The goal of this challenge is to take the provided mobile design problem and design a simple, clean mobile user experience (UX)! We are looking for you to also think through how the application will be used and what new ideas/concepts you think might be interesting to our audience.
Challenge Timeline and Rolling Checkpoint:
The challenge will be presented at our Boston event!
- Challenge Starts: 13 February 2015 14.00 EST
- Rolling Checkpoint will start : 14 February 2015 14.00 EST
- Challenge Ends: 15 February 2015 14.00 EST
We are offering 8 Placements! plus $50 Rolling Checkpoint prizes!
1) $1800
2) $1500
3) $1000
4) $500
5) $500
6) $250
7) $250
8) $150
Rolling Checkpoint Review ($50)
- Adam Morehead (adroc) will provide a design review if you submit your initial designs by 14:00 PM EST 14 February 2015
- Within the hour we will provide any design feedback/guidance - you must watch the forum for your feedback!
- All qualifying* checkpoint submissions will win $50
LUX Design Problem - Mobile Report Interactive Tool
We are looking to design a modern mobile experience for an "interactive vendor comparison tool". Designs need to be very simple, clean and modern using a "mobile first" design methodology.
The report uses a methodology to compare different vendors in a software, hardware, or services market. This information is then provided to customers so they can make well-informed decisions without spending months conducting their own research.
Concept Solution:
We want to design an interactive mobile (iPad and iPhone) comparison tool. The report compares vendor's products and services. This interactive graphing tool helps a user optimize vendor selection with a detailed analysis of products and services.
User Scenarios
There are two main user scenarios that will be handled as a part of this challenge - we are looking for your UI concepts based on these two scenarios :
1) Client: A mobile tool for consumers of our research
Note: This user would have a profile and be able to log into the application
- Jim is a CIO of a large company and he is participating in a meeting on his company.
- A discussion comes up in the middle of the meeting regarding investing in a brand new CRM system.
- Jim quickly turns to his device (iPad) and open the application to find/search for the appropriate report that shows the best CRM vendors.
- He looks to adjust the criteria based on their requirements (ex: money is not an issue), - Jim moves the criteria about money to the left to indicate it is not a concern.
- He gets to visualize the updated details 'on the fly' and is able to present it during the meeting.
2) Vendor: A tool for Salespeople of vendors
Note: This user would not be logged-in
- John, a salesperson from a vendor company is looking to sell his technology to a prospective customer.
- John is meeting with the customer and opens up the application where he has direct access to the reprint/report that his company has purchased
- John walks through and inputs the different criteria in the application based on the clients response
- John shows that based on the tool, his technology ranks highest in the space based on the client’s needs.
- John can then share the client specific results with his prospect during/after the meeting
LUX Challenge Requirements
Application Name
- Think of a name for your application! Base it off of ocean/water single word concepts. (ex. Ripple, Breaker, Roller, Surge)
Logo Inspiration - "Ocean or Ripple"
- Your logo should be influenced by water and the ocean.
Color Palette
- We have provided sample color palettes
Design Style and Inspiration:
- Modern clean mobile/application design. Make sure to embrace iOS design patterns and interactions.
Mobile Storyboards
- Design screens for iPad Air 2 (Landscape view, 2048x1536px)
- Design screens for iPhone 6 (Portrait view, 750x1334px)
- This is a native iOS application (research iOS design patterns and techniques)
- We only need 7 screens plus the presentation screen - so pick/design what you think will "showcase" this application. You can create alternative screens to the one's listed.
- In these LUX challenges the “Concepts” you propose really helps the presentation
Suggested Screens:
- Note: We have iPad and iPhone screen requests! iPad is more important in this challenge
00) Application Logo
- Create a simple logo for your application (something off the ocean/moving water like "Ripple")
- Something simple and clean that doesn't distract from your screen designs
- Showcase your logo design and how this application will initially look/branding
01) Login/Sign In (iPhone)
- User will need to log into the application
- Login and security features are important here
- Showcase your logo design and how this application will initially look/branding
02) Dashboard (iPad and iPhone View)
- What makes sense to be on the dashboard? (keep it simple)
- Recently generated reports?
- See list of reports that has been shared with the user/customer
- Navigation Items: What should be main navigation issues
- Search: Quickly search and quickly find reports..
- Access to help information?
- Quickly edit/update my user profile
03) Search/List of Reports: (iPhone View)
- Provide options to search reports by keywords, specific date range search, etc..
- It would good to have filtering options
04) Detailed Report/Interactive (iPad and iPhone View)
Priority screen
- This is the most important screen of the application and will display the interactive report
- User will see the report graphic and other sliders and filters to interact with the data shown
- When a user interacts with the report they will be able to see how manipulating the data how different results will happen.
- When a user makes a changes to the criterias using slides, the report changes dynamically (what is this experience?)
- A user will be able to download, email or print the Report
05) Vendor Scorecards: (iPad and iPhone View)
- Click on a vendor in overall report will show individual detailed profile
- They will also be able to see additional score explanation on how a particular criteria was evaluated for a vendor.
06) Unique Feature/Concept: (iPhone)
- Provide a screen that shows something unique or a concept you think would be great for this application
- Ex. Help/Tutorials or videos about how to use the application and reports
- Would be great to see the options you come up with to make this application even more interactive.
07) Profile: (iPhone)
- A Client can edit their Profile
- A Clients needs to quickly see reports associated with them
- Preferences on how they like to be notified, location preferences, time zone preferences, etc
08) Presentation Screen (IMPORTANT!!)
- We need to quickly take your designs and show it to the audience!
- If you need to - spend more time on your presentation screen as its the first thing we will show the audience!
- See attachments of great presentation screens!
- Size = 1920x1080 (16:9 Ratio)
Judging Criteria
- How well you design the mobile application concept!
- Cleanliness of your graphics and design.
- User interface design
Submission & Source Files
Preview Image
Create your preview image as one (1) 1920x1080 JPG or PNG file in RGB color mode at 72dpi and place a screenshot of your submission within it.
Submission File
Please upload PNG images in a zip file with all requested contest requirements stated above. Number your files (01, 02, 03, etc) this will help review them in order.
Source Files
All original source files of the submitted design. Files should be created in Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator and saved as layered PSD/AI files.
Final Fixes
We most likely will not have Final Fixes - Have fun!!
Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.