Challenge Summary
Welcome to the Nairobi Mobile App Design Updates Challenge. A couple of months ago we ran the initial challenge and now need some additional screens created so the client can move on to the prototype stage.
This is the second challenge in the Nairobi Mobile App project. The first challenge focused on creating the initial screens and brainstorming the concept. For this challenge we need your help adding a few screens that will help complete the flow and allow the client to create a prototype.
The Nairobi Mobile App will allow customers/consumers to take surveys to leave feedback and review the client’s products using a smartphone app.
IMPORTANT! To understand the background on this app and challenge, please read the last challenge here:
IMPORTANT! This is a single round challenge! Please be sure to ask any questions you have in the forums!
Make sure to download the source files!
Design Requirements
- Do not redesign the application! Follow the provided design as your base design and make new design decisions based on the challenge specification.
- Simple/fresh/clean layout and crisp fonts - Simplicity is HUGE with the client
- This should be designed for mobile - 320px width. Design should be flexible enough to work for iphone and android
Below are apps/companies that are doing similar things by rewarding. - Client is looking for something similar to this but targeted towards consumers/customers - notice the ability to take a picture of your receipt - The take away from this is once the users have completed the task, they’re rewarded with points which they can redeem for merch
New Screens Needed / Design Updates
01: Phone Notification
- If a user has notifications turned on, show us what a native phone notification would look like on the users phone homescreen
- This should follow the phones native design since it’s not inside the app
02: Survey Details
- When a user opens the notification on the previous screen, this is the page they’ll be taken to.
- On the dashboard, if the user clicks the Details button, they’ll also be taken to this page.
- On this page the user will see information about location, tasks, and asks them if they’d like to take the survey with yes or no options.
03: Survey Request
- After the user selected yes on the previous survey details screen, their request is sent to a queue until the user is approved to take the survey.
- This page should show them a simple message saying that their request has been received and we’ll notify them shortly.
- Should still have access to the menu/way to get home
04: Dashboard - Survey Approved
- Once the user is allowed to take the survey the user should get another notification when they’re approved
- This needs to show somewhere on the dashboard
- Consider making the profile image slightly smaller or repositioned so information is more prominent
- Think white space and breathing room on this page
- Do not remove the existing dashboard design - make this another screen since they won't always have this notification
05: Results Summary
- Currently after the user has finished the last question of the survey, they’re taken to a confirmation page
- This new page will be a recap or summary of the survey
- There should be a read only view of each question and answer chosen or the photo taken
- There should be a way to jump back to a specific question if they want to make an edit
Supporting Documents
- App-Details.pdf
- Nairobi-Branding-Guidelines.docx
- Please note that there are two different products: Can and PET (plastic bottle). There are survey questions designated for each type of product, and only the relevant survey questions should be displayed to the user.
Target Audience
- General consumers and grocery shoppers with smartphones/devices
- Both male and female and anyone above the age of 16 (both of these questions are asked in the app and saved as a setting)
Judging Criteria
- As mentioned above, a simple/clean/fresh/modern design is huge.
- Simplicity will be one of the winning criteria
- How well did you execute and plan the path the user will take throughout this app
- Cleanliness of your graphics and design
- Is it easy to use on a mobile device (size of buttons/links/spacing)
Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.