Challenge Overview
This is a bug hunt challenge for a mobile sales portal solution that supports the Sales and Marketing team in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the Pro Sales organization through mobile enablement and process.
Project Overview
XXX, Inc. - ‘Company’ - Custom Mobile App is an application that allows the seller to work from a single mobile device, supply live access to training, tools and support, deliver a price quoting system that facilitates ‘company methodologies’ and automated folder, as well as integrated marketing support.
For the sales leader (manager) this would provide advanced sales optics to drive execution, deliver sales projections and supply chain product forecasting. The application would allow for easier recruitment, on-boarding work management, and streamline approval processes.
Contest Objective
The goal of this competition is to focus on testing of iOS app on iPAD device. All use cases in the provided test scenarios must be tested. You should focus on testing the functions. We do NOT want trivial issues like some icons / layouts don't look good, typos, colors, and stuff like that. Focus on FUNCTIONS.
This contest is part of a continuing effort to ensure the app works as expected. This bug hunt is focused on all functionality of the app that are expected to be delivered in workstream 5.
Contest Scope
The scope of the challenge is to measure and test the deliverables which are within the scope of the workstream successfully. Please find below the features that needs to be tested on the deployed application:-
In Scope Features: -
Sales Manager
- Homepage
- Calendar
- To Do List
- MGMT Tools - Only coach to win
- Lead management
- Leads
- Global Menus
- Login as a Team Member capability
- Log Out Functionality
- Lead Management
- Logout of functionality
- Sales Tool
- Global Menu
Out of Scope Features: -
Account Screen
- Approvals
- Analytic Tools - KPI, Reports and Projections
- MGMT Tools
Contest Guidelines
The guidelines for this contest are given below:
- As issues are identified they need to be logged in provided excel in the given format.
- Issues must include clear descriptions, test cases and steps to reproduce and expected vs. actual results in order to be counted.
- All issues must have attachment link, image or video to help reproduce the issue. You can make use of jing and iOS mirroring to provide screencast links.
- First competitor to find an issue gets credit, duplicates will not be counted.
- Reviewers will accept, reject or mark the issues as duplicate.
- Please DO take a look at the reported bugs, duplicated bugs cost your work time and the reviewer's time.
- Please focus on funtional testing. We don't need bug reports on typos, spelling errors and any trivial issues like this, all such issues will be rejected and will not count
Important Notice:
You must also be the first person to report the issue and submit it while submission phase is open. We would NOT count any issues filed before and after the submission phase.
iOS 8.0
Provided Resources
The following documentation will be available in the contest forum:
- Test Scenarios
- iPAD app���
Main Requirements
These are the main pieces of functionality in the app. The entire use cases are in scope, but please make sure to test these:
General Functionality
The functionality should work well on iPad OS version 8.0 for both Seller and Manager Profile.
Specific Functionality
Verifying Sales manager Global Menu items, analytic tools and MGMT tools
Adding To Do’s and other calendar items
Functioning of Approvals and Leads
Complete Lead Management
How to Download the Compass Application & Login details
1. Access on your iPad to open community mailbox using below credentials
username ->
password -> appirio123
2. Open the New version of Compass available latest email from Brandon Jones on the iPAD (iOS8) device
- Click or tap the "Download&Install" button above
- Sign into the Hockey App using below credentials --->Username -> | password --> appirio123
- ������������Tap the app icon to download the iPAD beta Compass App on hockeyapp dahsboard
4. Once you tap the Download link it should install on the home screen in the background. You can navigate to the home screen to verify its progress.
5. Once installed, the first thing you'll want to do is go the Settings app. Go to the Compass section, tap Login Host under connection and select Sandbox. Return to the home screen.
6. Navigate to the newly installed Compass app. You'll be presented with a Salesforce Login screen. You'll want to login with your application credentials (.pregolive org – see below).
Application Login Details
- Seller Home Page
UserName -> | Password -> appirio123
- Manager Home Page
UserName -> | Password -> appirio123
7. Once successfully logged in you should be presented with a login modal for HockeyApp. Use the credentials you set up for HockeyApp and then login. You should now be able to use the app in its entirety.
Final Submission Guidelines
Bug Report Format
For each report of a limitation or bug, we need the following information:
- Steps to reproduce, including any needed information
- Component where issue is discovered.
- Screenshots (if applicable)
- Expected results after the bug is fixed
- Current results, before the bug is fixed
- Mac OS Version tested on. [iOS8]
- Severity of the issue from test perspective.
- Sprint/Work stream associated with
Only actual bugs will be counted. Tickets logged for enhancements or issues that aren't bugs won't be counted. The issues are to be listed in an excel sheet with all the steps to reproduce. Attachments or videos can be shared as a screencast using Jing or as a file that can be sent as an attachment with identifier (for the bug)
When in doubt, always provide a screenshot or a video. Screenshots are very helpful due to the graphical nature of the application and help clarify bugs. If you don't provide a screenshot, there's a good chance your bug will be rejected.
Important Notice:
- If you do not properly document your bug reports, they will likely be rejected due to lack of information or documentation. Also, make sure your bug reports are reasonably general.
- If you submit the same bug that is seen in multiple screens, for instance, you will likely only get credit for the original bug report. The others will all be closed as duplicates.
Ticket Logging
You will log your tickets in the attached bug tracker excel report in the desired format with all cols duly filled as expected.
- For scoring, the submitter with the most accepted bugs will win. There's no second place winner.
- For submitters who submit but don't take first or second, if they submit bugs that aren't covered in the first place submission, they will receive $5 for each unique bug reported up to a maximum of half the 1st place prize.
Important Notice:
If two submitters submit the same bug report, the submitter who submitted the report first will get credit for the bug. The second submitter will not.
Some of the tips helpful for the contest are:
- Submitting what is obviously the same issue multiple times with small variations will only annoy the reviewer that has to sort through all the issues and will only count as one issue anyway. If it's less obvious if it is the same issue or not, use your best judgment and the reviewers will do the same.
- Put an eye on the issues being submitted by other members to minimize the time you may be spending on duplicate efforts. Knowing what has already been reported will allow you to better focus your time on finding yet undiscovered issues.
- Double check your steps to reproduce and test cases to make sure they are clear. Make sure your steps include creation of any necessary data.
Submission Deliverables
- For each member, the final submission should be uploaded to the Online Review Tool.
- You must not include any identifying information, such as your handle, in your submission. Your submission should be anonymous and you will be scored down in screening for not complying.