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Challenge Overview

Project Overview

Welcome to the Mobile App Survey Tool Bug Hunt. This application will be used by distributors of beer, wine, and spirits to liquor stores throughout the US to capture information about product displays in those stores.

Contest Overview

There are no test cases or test plan for this contest. We would like you to verify all functionality as described in the "Application Screens & Functionality" section and find any defects. 

Device Requirements

  1. iOS 6+
  2. iPhone 5+
  3. No jailbroken devices allowed
  4. Important: The app is designed for phones, but should function on tablets as well. Please test on actual devices and not on emulators.

Installation, Setup & Known Issues 

  1. Visit this page from your iOS mobile device:
  2. Tap the link under iOS Updated 4/23/15: Field Survey 2.2.4 to install the iOS application.
  3. Find the installed app on your home screen and launch the application.
  4. The app will require an email address and 1-time activation code.   These can be found in the bug hunt spreadsheet. Please use the following link to reserve one email and passcord. Please note that these codes can only be used once.
  5. Verify all defects against the Known Issues tab in bug hunt spreadsheet.  Known issues will not be accepted as bugs

Application Screens and Functionality

Locations Nearby:
After touching “View Locations” button from startup, you will see 2 tabs: My Accounts and Locations Nearby (or Saved Locations if offline).  Please note: The starts in offline mode and takes up to 30 seconds to get online. Select a Location Nearby (i.e. store) using GPS
1. Verify you can see a list of no more than 50 items in the Locations Nearby list when the app is offline.
2. Once the app is online, all locations will be saved for offline use.  Verify this same list appears when the device is then put into airplane mode.
3. Selecting a location will present you with available surveys for that location.
4. Surveys can be taken in either online or offline mode.
------If offline, surveys are saved locally until the app is back online, when they are auto submitted.  A message appears briefly to let you know when they have been submitted.
------If offline, saved surveys can be edited until submitted when online.  These are found by touching the small icon in the bottom left banner “View Goals”:.  This opens the Pending Submissions View.
------Turning OFF GPS is a good test case to make sure it works.
5. The surveys will prompt for answers to questions.    
6. Once complete - the user can review answers and optionally change those answers.
------Edit answers
------Cancel (survey answers not saved)
7. If a survey is completed while offline, verify that it is saved to the Pending Submissions view

My Account:
Select a My Account (i.e. store) using GPS
1. Verify you can see accounts in the list.
2. Once the app is online, all locations will be saved for offline use.  Verify this same list appears when the device is then put into airplane mode.
3. Selecting a location will present you with available surveys for that location.
4. Surveys can be taken in either online or offline mode.
------If offline, surveys are saved locally until the app is back online, when they are auto submitted.  A message appears briefly to let you know when they have been submitted.
------If offline, saved surveys can be edited until submitted when online.  These are found by touching the small icon in the bottom left banner “View Goals”:
------Turning OFF GPS is a good test case to make sure it works.
5. The surveys will prompt for answers to questions.    
Once complete - the user can review answers and optionally change those answers.
------Edit answers
------Cancel (survey answers not saved)
6. If a survey is completed while offline, verify that it is saved to the Pending Submissions view

View Goals
1. Select View Goals from the bottom of the Locations View
2. Verify you see at least one goal assigned for April in both online & offline modes
3. Selecting the goal and then selecting Complete Goal button will take you back to the Locations View where you can select a location to complete the goal.
4. Verify you can complete an April Goal in online & offline mode

1. Verify that BH Product survey allow you to scan a liquor/beer/wine UPC code by touching “Scan Barcode”
------For scanning products, you should scan ANY liquor, wine, or beer in the US and get results.  There will be some that don't exist in the database, but the large majority of them are there.
------You can use sample barcode from
------Please note - “Continue Working” option  after this survey does not work correctly and can be ignored
2. Verify that BH Photo Req survey requires a photo be taken to proceed.
------Touching the camera image in a photo block will open the camera and allow you to take & submit a photo.  Images CANNOT be added from the camera roll.
3. Verify that BH Photo Optional survey optionally allows you to submit a photo, but does not require one to proceed.

Final Submission Guidelines

Prize, Payment Structure & Scoring

  1. 1st Place - $800
  2. 2nd Place - $400
  3. For scoring, the submitter with the most accepted bugs will win. The 2nd submitter with the 2nd highest amount of accepted bugs will win 2nd place.
  4. For submitters who submit but don't take 1st place or 2nd place, if they submit bugs that aren't covered in the 1st place or 2nd place submission, they will receive $5 for each unique bug reported up to a maximum of the 2st place prize ($400).

Submission Guidelines

Log your bugs in JIRA here:

All defects must include the following:

  1. Environment (iOS version and iPhone model)
  2. Steps to reproduce
  3. Outcome vs. Expected Outcome
  4. Screenshot or Video

This bug hunt follows the standard bug-hunt contest rules, the one logs the max number of valid bugs win, and you should try to merge the similar issues in one bug (e.g. input box one page1 & page2 validation error should be counted as one same bug). 

  1. First competitor to find an issue gets credit, duplicates will not be counted.
  2. Reviewers will accept, reject or mark the issues as duplicate.
  3. Please Do take a look at the reported bugs & known bugs list, duplicated bugs cost your work time and the reviewer's time.
  4. If you have any questions or confusions let us know, via the forums

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30049828