Challenge Overview

Challenge Overview

The goal of this challenge is to improve the csfv forums UI following the updated UI prototype provided in challenge forums.

Challenge Requirements

You will address the following in this challenge :

  • Category Pick List

    • Update all pick lists that display category and subcategories to match the UI prototype where we use intendentation for subcategories

    • Pages to be updated :

      • Add category

      • Edit category

      • Move thread

      • Add thread/post

      • Move thread

      • Advanced Search

    • UI prototype pages updated that you need to refer to to match it :

      • forums-admin-new-category.html

      • forums-admin-edit-category.html

      • forums-admin-move-thread.html

      • forums-advanced-search.html

      • forums-new-thread.html

  • Settings Page

    • Add new ‘Settings’ button to forums top menu.

    • Only accessible by forum Admin.

    • UI prototype page : admin-settings.html

    • Functionality :

      • Add/Edit user

        • Popup text field should be autocomplete

      • Change root forums category

      • Change admin forums category

    • Update the forums backend to allow new role ‘Forum Moderator’ :

      • In add/edit user popup : when selecting forum moderator from the add/edit user popup then another pick list below the role pick list to select the forums the user is moderator to it.

      • Backend should have new role validation for this new role.

  • Forums main page (forums-main.html)

    • Update the page to have category column tags to be centered aligned, and text inside the tag to be bold.

  • Add/Edit category

    • Implement the color picker as in the HTML pages

    • UI prototype : forums-admin-new-category.html and forums-admin-edit-category.html

  • Forums Thread page

    • UI prototype : forums-thread.html

    • Breadcrumb should match UI prototype

    • Tags should be clickable and takes user to filtered forum threads listing page

    • Multiline thread title should be supported

    • No overlap between tags (if we have multiple tags) and the thread title.

  • Watch forums drop down

    • UI Prototype : forums-main.html

    • Update the drop down menu to match the UI prototype. We are adding indentation to subcategories

    • When (un)selecting a category the loading indicator should match ui prototype.

  • Attachments

    • UI Prototype : forums-new-thread.html

    • Changes should be applied when adding or editing thread post.

    • Update the uploading UX to match the UI prototype page.

    • Allow uploading multiple files

    • Allow canceling uploading of specific fields by clicking on “x” icon

    • Allow canceling the whole upload.

    • We display size of file.

    • We display progress percentage during upload.

    • Backend and frontend code should be fixed (if there is any issue) so the uploading work as expected.

General Notes

  • Update readme of both frontend and forums module with any configuration changes or deployment changes.

  • Update test data generator if needed.


UI prototype is provided in challenge forums.

Github Code


CSFV websites code exists in private github repository

Here is the repositories (you can search for them in the link provided above) :

  • csfv_frontend_module

  • csfv_forums_module : this is the forums module that contains the forums controllers and models.

  • csfv_test_data_generator : this is used to generate test data.


Final Submission Guidelines


  • Patch file of changes.

  • Text file with any note to reviewer.


2015 topcoder Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30050229