Challenge Overview
Project Overview
We need a Richtext editor Visualforce component, that can work in Visualforce, and supports both right-to-left text and left-to-right-text.
Business Requirements
The primary user of the component, will be a Visualforce Developer. The developer would like to show some html content in the proposed text editor. The html content can come from a visualforce controller or from an sObject in the database. The html content could be ltr text (such as English, French) or could be rtl text (such as Arabic, Hebrew) There should be an option to configure toolbar buttons in the component as well.
Please use SCEditor (, as the text editor.
Technical Requirements
Create a Visualforce component, wrapping the editor code, javascript, jQuery
The component should support 2 way data binding eg <c:TextEditor value=”{!Account.description}” />.
Developer should not be required to do any manipulation, before passing / retrieving data out of Editor
The component can be used multiple times on the same page
The component should be take html stored in the database.
Add a single custom command to change the direction from rtl to ltr. See Custom command Example here
There should be an attribute in the component, to show more or less toolbar buttons. The possible options should be minified, small, normal, large. Please store the options in a such a way, in the Visualforce component, to make it easy to change it in future. Default should be normal eg <c:TextEditor Toolbar=”normal” />
Visualforce Component, should render inside a pageBlockSection, of columns 1 or 2 or more.
We love the MultiSelect Controller component, ease of use from developer perspective. Please feel free to use it as a reference
SFDC Requirements
Code coverage should be 95%+
Test methods should not rely on existing data in the organization
Follows secure coding guidelines for Apex and Visualforce (eg using with sharing / without sharing appropriately)
Final Submission Guidelines
Create a custom object called "Text Templates" with a Long Text field called "HTML Content".
A VF page using the standard controller of the "Text Templates" object which includes the text editor and stores the output in Html Content Field
The VF page, with the component, that showcases the all features of the component.
Unmanaged package containing all code and objects, and example pages.
A video showing the page in action.
- Source code as zip
Coding Guidelines
Coding Guidelines
Secure Coding Guidelines