Challenge Overview

Welcome to the Spark Mobile “Home Deck” Code Challenge! The primary objective of this project is to help drive consumer engagement to increase the awareness and usage to the Spark Mobile Home Deck.

For this challenge, the goal is to build the functionality of calling an external source data into the provided HTML prototype.

Final Submission Guidelines

The primary goal of this challenge is to build the functionality required to load content from an external XML/JSON feed into the provided HTML prototype.

For this challenge, we have provided XML and JSON files that will serve as the external feed.

The following are the functionality required:

1. Angular Service
- Update the Angular service to reuse services between home page and the other pages, there should a single service for “Weather” or “News” instead of different/separate services.

2. Home page

2.1 oogle Search
- This will use the Google Search API and it will redirect to Google for searching.

2.2 Weather section
- Source will come from /example_feeds/weather/wx_mega_call.xml
- The specific information is under the sfc_ob section
- Use Fahrenheit (F) information instead of Celsius (C)

2.3 Apps Wall
- Source will come from /example_feeds/product/product_feed.json
- Display all the available items under the “features” section and ordered by priority field in ascending order.
- Copy the icons into one centralized location folder/directory and use that path to display the corresponding icon of an app.

2.4 Latest News
- Parse /example_feeds/news/news_feeds.xml
- Take the first <news> and use the first 8 stories as the source for the “Latest News” areas that scroll left to right

2.5 News Feed
- This also comes from /example_feeds/news/news_feeds.xml
- Continue parsing the source and take the next 4 <news> (item 2 to 5) and use them in the list of news sources.

- Instead of showing the news feed description, use the <title> of the first article of each item and put as many characters as will fit in the description area.

3. Weather Details
- Get the information from /example_feeds/weather/wx_mega_call.xml
- Use Fahrenheit (F) information instead of Celsius (C)
- Feels like info will come from apparent_temp_F field
- Humidity info will come from rh_pct
- All other information are obvious from that XML file. If you have clarifications, please ask in the forum

4. News Source Details
- Display the corresponding article from the /example_feeds/news/news_feeds.xml

Please follow Angular best practices defined here:

Browser Compatibility:

- Google Chrome (Android)
Safari (iOS)


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30050623