Challenge Summary
Welcome to the Milo iOS Recruiting App - Design Challenge!
In this Challenge, we would like your help creating an iPhone app that will easily allow Milo employees to notify their LinkedIn and Facebook contacts of open opportunities within Milo that have been identified for those individuals.
We have provided you with wireframes and we need you to create visual designs for the new application.
· You are highly encouraged to provide your own ideas and solutions to this application beyond the provided wireframes.
· Please do not just give us a colored version of wireframes as they are meant to show you what we are looking for and explain the idea.
Round 1
Submit your design for a Checkpoint feedback
4. Fit for Milo?
5. Send Opportunities
- Any screens from Round 2 that you'd like to show (not required).
- Any additional screen(s) you think are needed.
- Provide us with a click map for your design along with all priority screens.
- Readme.jpg: Provide notes about your submission.
- Make sure all pages have correct flow! Use correct file naming and numbering.
Round 2
Final design plus any Checkpoint feedback
1. Login
2. Welcome
3. Select Network
4. Allow Access to Selected Network
5. Download CVS Contacts File (Only if LinkedIn was selected)
6. Fit for Milo?
7. Send Opportunities
8. Send Email to Contact
9. History
- Any additional screen(s) you think are needed
- Any feedback/suggestions provided at checkpoint.
- Provide us with a click map for your design along with all priority screens.
- Readme.jpg: Provide notes about your submission.
- Make sure all pages have correct flow! Use correct file naming and numbering.
Challenge Overview
About Milo
Milo is one of the world’s leading professional services companies, with capabilities in consulting, strategy, digital, technology and operations, with approximately 336,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries, including more than three-quarters of the Fortune Global 500 and 89 of the Fortune Global 100.
This is the second of many challenges to develop a visually engaging iPhone application that integrates with LinkedIn & Facebook to help drive social awareness of Milo career opportunities.
- Recruiting talent is not an easy task.
- Milo employees may have personal contacts that are good matches to open positions within the company, and this is something Milo wishes to leverage.
- Increase the pool of potential candidates to be considered for a Milo open position.
- Increase the recruiting rate by tapping current Milo employees’ professional and personal networks.
- Increase excitement about new career opportunities.
- Create an easy-to-use and fun approach for referral-related tasks.
- Reward internal engagement and participation
- Client Branding (Milo
- Wireframe (
Screen Sizes
- Mobile Resolution: Design for iPhone 6 Retina Display 750px X 1334px.
- Portrait mode only.
Make sure you create graphic in 'shape' format, so when we resize graphics will still look sharp! It will be great if you can provide the landscape version.
Design Requirements
1. Login
- Please refer to login.html
- This is the first page a user will see.
- User should be prompted to log in using their Milo credentials (username and password).
- Should have a Forgot Password link.
2. Welcome
- Please refer to welcome.html
3. Select Network
- There is no wireframe for this page.
- User needs to select a network:
-- LinkedIn.
-- Facebook.
4. Allow Access to Selected Network
- Please refer to linkedinmodal.html
- LinkedIn will need to verify that the user allows the app to access his/her LinkedIn info.
- This will need to look similar to this modal.
5. Download CVS Contacts File
- There is no wireframe for this page.
- LinkedIn only requires this step.
- User will be able to download contact file as CVS file.
6. Fit for Milo?
- Please refer to fitformilo.html
- This is where the user decides which contacts may be a good fit for Milo.
- User’s contacts may be presented one at a time.
- The user will have two simple choices: 1. The contact is a good fit for Milo 2. The contact is not a good fit for Milo.
- A visual indication needs to be displayed when the user makes the decision - similar to Tinder with the stamp graphic “Like” when swiping.
- The user will be able to swipe right to “Like” or “Accept” and will swipe left to “Reject” or say “No, thanks”.
- In addition to the swipe, we need a simple way to make that decision for users who are not familiar with the swipe feature to Like or Reject suggestions (buttons).
- There should be a way to revert a Yes / No decision for a contact (in case the user swiped left or right by mistake or wishes to reconsider an earlier decision about one or more of their contacts). Note: this capability may result in additional screen(s) to be built, e.g. dedicated screen where the user can review earlier Accept / Reject decisions on their contacts.
- There should be a way to browse to other sections of the app.
- The user should be able to see how much progress has been done, something similar to a progress bar that indicates the percentage of contacts reviewed.
- The user should be able to see relevant info such as current position and employer, previous positions/employers, education, skills, endorsements, etc. I'll leave it up to you to decide what is shown and how much information is shown by default or if there is a view more info option.
7. Send Opportunities
- Please refer to sendopportunities.html
- This is where the Milo employee (user) sees the contacts that have been “accepted” on the previous screen.
- Each accepted match will be matched with an open opportunity within Milo.
- The user should be able to easily send the matched opportunity to his/her contact via email.
8. Send Email to Contact
- Please refer to sendopportunities.html
- Leverage the native iOS send email screen to send the open opportunity.
- The following fields should be pre-populated:
To: <recipient email address>
Subject: Are you interested in this job at Milo?
Body: Hello <Contact name>,
There is a job opening for a <Role> at Milo in <Location> that you might find interesting. If you are interested in this opportunity, let me know and I'll submit you as a referral via Milo's employee referral program.
Best, <User name>
9. History
- Please refer to history.html
- Potentially needed based on approach that will be proposed for allowing the user to review earlier Accept / Reject decisions on their contacts
Things to think about
- Polish will be handled later in a design challenge; focus on exploring the ideas and make sure it’s easy
and fun to use for the user.
- The idea is to have a two-step process to refer contacts: first identify potential matches for Milo, and then notify them about open positions they’re matched to.
- Think about the app navigation – how the user is going to navigate between sections.
- Keep things consistent. This means all graphic styles should work together.
- All graphics should have a similar feel and general aesthetic appearance.
Target Audience
- Milo employees looking to refer people from their networks to open positions at Milo.
Judging Criteria
- How easy the app is to use
- How user friendly the flow is and if it's easy to navigate between sections
- If your ideas are flushed out and make sense - as mentioned above, polish will be added later, focus on the ideas
- Simplicity of the wireframes
Submission & Source Files
Preview Image
Please create your preview image as one (1) 1024x1024px JPG or PNG file in RGB color mode at 72dpi and place a screenshot of your submission within it.
Submission File
Submit JPG/PNG for your submission files.
Source Files
All original source files of the submitted design. Files should be created in Adobe Photoshop and saved as layered PSD file, or Adobe Illustrator as a layered AI file.
Final Fixes
As part of the final fixes phase you may be asked to modify your graphics (sizes or colors) or modify overall colors. We may ask you to update your design or graphics based on checkpoint feedback. See more information about Final Fixes
Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.