Media Library Apple Watch App - Proof of Concept

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Challenge Overview

The PoC is to create an Apple Watch app with WatchKit, with following features:

1. Control audio and video (in Media Library) playing of iPhone from Apple Watch, such as play, pause, stop, the watch will just send a URL of video (could be local or remote, e.g to iPhone to play

1) add a button to play/pause, add a buton to stop in the Apple Watch screen.

2) when start playing, display time played and the total time of the video (e.g. mm:ss/mm:ss) in the Apple Watch screen.

3) when trigger from iPhone to control video playing, the status of button in the watch should also be updated.

2. Control audio and video recording of iPhone from Apple Watch, such as start, pause, stop.

1) add a button to record/pause, a button to stop in the Apple Watch screen.

2) when start recording, display the time (e.g. mm:ss) in a label in the Apple Watch screen.

3) when trigger from iPhone to control recording, the status of button in the watch should also be updated.

Make sure we can verify video/audio is properly recorded in the iPhone.

3. Simple Media Library iPhone App (the parent/host App) to communicate with WatchKit App. For communication, refer to openParentApplication:reply:and application:handleWatchKitExtensionRequest:reply:.

remember to handle the case that this app is inactive when trigger from watch.

other resources to refer:

WatchKit Programming Guide

Final Submission Guidelines

  • Source Code - these will be used as code reference so core functional code will need to be concise, neat and properly document
  • Deployment Guide with Verification Steps

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30050763