Submit a solution
The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

This is the second challenge to develop an iPhone app for Cardinal Health which allows users to virtually fill a “change jar” with ideas of changes they will make in their lives, or in the lives of someone they know. This challenge will focus on integrating the live web services along with final UI changes.

Implement all views as designed and stub functionality as necessary.  Screens should display as referenced in the designs. Use Core Data for local storage where applicable for caching of data. All necessary source assets, design layout references and videos are located in the repository. 

Web Services
-- Web services are now live - follow the final document here
-- Update the existing stubbed functionality to connect to the live services
-- All calls must be made over HTTPS
-- Be sure to send the servicePassword and serviceId values in the headers
-- Values for these headers should be specified in the App’s Info.plist

All Views (Where Applicable)
-- Ensure all dates/times displayed on the device are localized to the device’s time zone
-- Replace watermarked photos with updated ones in the designs repository
-- Remove any placeholders or references to:
    -- The user’s profile image
    -- The user’s title (Ex. Software Engineer)
    -- These items are not being implemented for this version of the App

Opening Screen
-- Ensure text does not overflow onto the paging dots for all device sizes
-- Ex. first screen overflows on iPhone 6

Dashboard Screen
-- On first launch of the app, display the Settings screen to allow the user to set their email address
-- Do not allow them to navigate away from this screen until an email has been set

Submit Ideas Screen
-- Remove the “is this will affect to yourself or someone you know?” label and corresponding switch
-- Remove user’s profile image and title
-- Increase font size of user’s email address to match other fields

-- Send an email to harrywynn and request to be added to the Cardinal Health team on Gitlab
-- Once added to the team, fork the mobile-change-jar repository and work off of the tc_challenge_2 branch
-- Add harrywynn as a member of your forked repository
-- All necessary source assets, design and web service references are located in the designs repository

Final Submission Guidelines

-- All code should be written in Swift and be well commented
-- Code must compile with Xcode 6.4 against iOS SDK 8.4, deployment target of iOS 8.0
-- Develop for iPhone size classes, with orientation locked to portrait
-- Use storyboards for all views and navigation
-- All storyboards/strings should be implemented with localization support
-- Use Core Data for local device storage
-- Upload your source project as a zip
-- Include your Gitlab username and URL of your forked repository in your documentation 
-- User with the winning submission will be required to do a merge request in Gitlab

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30050764