Challenge Overview
The goal of this challenge is to update the provided nodejs web application to send emails using ‘sendmail’ utility in CentOS 6 instead of Nodemailer nodejs module.
Post in forums if you have any troubles deploying the app.
Challenge Requirements
Write a command line nodejs script that use ‘sendmail’ utility to send email :
The purpose of the script is to make quick testing for 'sendmail' setup in the CentOS VM.
Input arguments are :
"To" email
email body
Provided csfv_frontend_module in challenge forums
Follow the README to deploy it.
It uses node version 0.10.38
Remove nodemailer dependency from package.json
Update node_modules/csfv_misc_module/services/NotificationService.js to use ‘sendmail’ utility.
Update all code that use nodemailer nodejs module to use NotificationService.js to send emails.
Update configuration to remove nodemailer configuration, and add any required configuration for sendmail utility.
Update README to have instructions to configure sendmail using gmail account.
To test your fix you can perform the following :
Register new account :
Verification email should be sent on successful registration.
Verify account :
Welcome email should be sent once you verify the account.
Forgot password :
Email will be sent with reset password link.
Create a forums post using an account, then use another user to reply to the forum.
Email will be sent notifying about forum reply.
Add user as friend.
Email will be sent about friend request.
Source Code
The source code is provided in challenge forums.
Submission Deliverables
Below is an overview of the deliverables:
Updated files that address the requirements.
Deployment document with verification screens for reviewers.
Final Submission
For each member, the final submission should be uploaded to the Online Review Tool.
Final Submission Guidelines