Challenge Overview
Challenge Overview
The goal of this challenge to create a mobile hybrid demo app with the Alchemy Vision Service to detect and tag faces.
Alchemy Vision Service automatically detects faces and identify people within images and use it for login.
We currently have the client website. This is to show you what the AlchemyVision Face Detection application is and what it does.
These are part of the SiBM August Development Code Blitz.
Complete Task Overview
Follow the UI design provided in the forum(all UI widgits are in scope), and following are the key features of this demo:
1. choose a file from photo library or capture from camera
2. send the photo to tag with api ImageGetRankedImageFaceTags
3. after it gets the result JSON, show the face borders with age and gender
4. if click on the face, detail info will be displayed. (if not a celebrity, just show name, gender and age, leave name as blank), user could click on the name to edit and save.
face detection api:
online demo
Wrap the api access in NodeJS app that will be deployed to Bluemix, and access the Bluemix service from iOS
Make sure we just add the services from your Bluemix console. The Watson services are all integrated with Bluemix already and we want to consume them that way.
Technology Overview
package management:npm for node.js and Cordova Plugin for Cordova
Final Submission Guidelines
Below is an overview of the deliverables:
- Working Cordova app (including source code) that covers all requirements.
- Nodejs app code that could be deployed to Bluemix.
- A complete and detailed deployment documented explaining how to deploy and verify the application including configuration information.