Challenge Overview
This is the second in a series of challenges to develop a proof of concept Android app for a leader in the home inspection industry. This challenge will focus on developing annotation and markup functionality for captured photos.
You’ll be creating an Android Studio project with views and functionality that will be used in the main proof of concept app. For implementation of the screens, follow the wireframes and full documentation located in the Resources repository here. The project you’re submitting should demonstrate the ability to take a photo and afterwards add annotations and/or markup.
New Photo Screen (Wireframe 16)
-- Display the camera viewport in the main child view area
-- Taking a new photo will pass the image to the Edit Photo Screen
Edit Photo Screen (Wireframe 15)
-- Display the photo and editing tools in the main child view area
-- Save should save the photo to the default document store on the device
-- Include the following annotation/markup capabilities
-- Allow the user to draw lines/shapes on the photo
-- Provide two color options for lines/shapes
-- Provide two thickness options for lines/shapes
-- Allow the user to enter free form text as a caption for the photo
-- The user MUST be able to draw annotations via touch
-- Free form text MUST be large enough to be seen on the phto
-- Request access to the Gitlab group in the challenge forums
-- Once added to the team fork the repository and work off of the POC_02 branch
-- Add harrywynn and wprice as members of your forked repository with read access
-- Wireframes and supporting documentation are located in the Resources repository here
-- Read the supporting documentation carefully as it defines styles, themes, images and navigation flow you must use for development
Final Submission Guidelines
-- Android Studio 1.3 project with library module and sample app to demonstrate functionality
-- Code must compile with the minimum API level of 16, targeting API level 21
-- Only landscape orientation on tablets needs to be supported, handsets are not in scope
-- Target device is Nexus 9 tablet running Android 5.0 (Lollipop)
-- Upload your source project as a zip
-- Include your Gitlab username and URL of your forked repository in your documentation
-- User with the winning submission will be required to do a merge request in Gitlab