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Challenge Summary

Welcome to the Harbison Fischer Pump Tracker Wireframe Challenge.

Harbison Fischer is a global company that manufactures and sells oil well pumping equipment. While they do not repair any pumps themselves, they do work with Pump Shops who do the actual repairs on the equipment for their Customers. Harbison Fisher is looking to create an application to help the Pump Shops manage and track the pumps that come to them for repairs. They are looking for a user friendly, clean and simple application that the Pump Shops can use to manage the Pump Equipment and Create and Manage Work Orders.

Harbison Fischer is very excited to see what our designers can do.

Good luck on this challenge!

Round 1

Submit your Initial Wires for Checkpoint Feedback:

01. Pump List
02. Add Pump
03. Pump Details

- Feel free to add additional screens or divide a required screen into two screens if necessary to explain your concept
- Notes.jpg: Please note any comments about your design for the Client
- Make sure all pages have correct flow! Use correct file numbering. (00, 01, 02, 03)

Round 2

Your final Wires with all Checkpoint Feedback added:

01. Pump List
02. Add Pump
03. Pump Details
04. Pump Template List
05. Add Pump Template
06. Pump Template Details
07. Work Order List
08. Add Work Order
09. Work Order Details

- Feel free to add additional screens or divide a required screen into two screens if necessary to explain your concept
- Notes.jpg: Please note any comments about your design for the Client
- Make sure all pages have correct flow! Use correct file numbering. (00, 01, 02, 03)

Challenge Description:
Harbison Fisher is looking to create an application to help the Pump Shops manage and track the pumps that come to them for repairs. They are looking for a user friendly, clean and simple application that the Pump Shops can use to manage the Pump Equipment and Create and Manage Work Orders.

We are looking for wireframe (Axure) solutions based on requirements below. We’re also looking to the community to come up with interesting ideas for the workflow - we’re absolutely open to creative solutions!

At the end of this wireframe challenge, we are looking to have a complete solution for the user experience and flow of the portal

The use case for this application:
- A Customer brings a broken pump to the Pump Shop for Repair.
- The Pump Shop users need to quickly and easily find a pump record.
- If the pump is not in their system, the Pump Shop user can quickly create a new pump record.
- From the pump record, they will then create a Work Order, evaluate what is wrong with the pump and add their notes to the Work Order.

Design Considerations:
While the Pump Shop users do have smartphones, they do not use computers every day like an office worker might. The client asks that you keep that in mind when designing layout and flow and think about wizards or progressively showing information rather than all at once. They realize a lot of the information is data entry but ask that you look for creative ways for the users to enter the information so it isn’t so overwhelming to the Pump Shop users.

Design Size:
Design for a screen width of 1280.

Wireframe Expectations:
- Produce HTML click through wireframes that can be used to demonstrate all mentioned functionalities as required in each round.
- The app must be very easy to use and intuitive. Keep that in mind when designing your solution.
- Although these are new screens, it will be incorporated into the client’s existing Salesforce instance. The client has requested that the custom pages should feel like they are a part of Salesforce
-- For entering the data, they are open to using icons or images in place of text and sliders instead of dropdowns where appropriate.
- Your wireframe must represent all the pages, functionality and flows as noted below. You should use that as a guide, but if there is a better way to display any information, feel free to show that on your wireframe.
- You must use wireframe notes on every single page you design to explain which items are addressed on that page, what you added/changed/removed, and generally just to make your idea easier to understand so that the client can provide constructive feedback.

Supporting Documents:
- User Persona (pumpTracker_personas.pdf)
- User Workflow Diagram (Pump_Tracker_Workflow.pdf)

Required Screens:

Global Nav
For this challenge, just show three tabs in a header area:
- Pumps
- Pump Templates
- Work Orders

01. Pump List
Displayed when user clicks on Pumps tab in Global Nav
- Needs Add New Pump button (clicking it displays 02.Add Pump screen)
- List of Recently Viewed Pumps
- List will display these columns:
-- Pump Number (link to 03 - Pump Details)
-- Customer (this will be a name)
-- Well Lease (this will be a name)
-- Well Number
-- Active Status ( values: active-deployed, active-stocked, inactive)
- Columns are sortable

- There is a Quickfilter for the list:
-- Recently Viewed
-- Recently Created
-- Recently Modified

- Users can search for equipment by specifying one or more of these criteria:
-- Customer  (list of names)
-- Well Lease  (list of names)
-- Well Number (list of numbers)
-- Active Status  (values: active-deployed, active-stocked, inactive)
-- Pump Number

02. Add Pump
Displayed when user clicks Add New Pump button on 01.Pump List page
- needs Save and Cancel buttons
-- On clicking Save button displays  03.Pump Details screen

- User will need to add the following information:

-- Pump Information:
---- Pump Shop Location (values: preselected from user’s profile; user can change)
---- Pump Status (values: new, repair, junked)
---- Active Status (values: active-deployed, active-stocked, inactive)
---- Run Date
---- Fail Date
---- Repair Date
---- Notes / Remarks   (open text field)

-- Customer Information:
---- Customer Name
---- Well Lease
---- Well Number (user can select from list of existing numbers or add a new number)

-- Pump Details:
-- User has a choice to: Use Pump Template (dropdown of template names) OR Build Pump Details
-- If user Selects to Use a Pump Template
---- Page is refreshed with Pump details and Component Details from selected Template
---- Fields and values are prefilled from the template
---- User can edit the values for each field
-- If user Selects Build Pump Details
---- Page is refreshed with blank Pump Detail and Component Detail fields
---- User then enters the values for each field

-- Pump Details FIelds:
---- Pump Number
------ user can enter a new number OR select to have system generate a number
---- Pump Brand  (values: Harbison-Fischer, DON-NAN, QUINN, Weatherford)
---- Pump Model  (values: API 3-Tube, Sand-Pro, Texas Stripper, Pampa, Pampa Gas, Gas Vent, VSP, Sand Flush, 2SHVR, Gas Chaser, Double-Displacement, Large Volume, Stroke-Thru)
---- Pump Type  (values: Insert, Tubing, Oversized Tubing)
---- Tubing Size (values: 1.315, 1.660, 1.900, 2-1/16, 2-3/8, 2-7/8, 3-1/2, 4, 4-1/2, 5-½)
-------- note: the most often selected Tubing Size values are: 2-3/8, 2-7/8, 3-1.2.  The other sizes need to be available for selection, but perhaps in a different dropdown
---- Pump Size  (values:  1-1/16, 1-¼, 1-½, 1-���, 1-¾, 1-25/32, 2, 2-���, 2-¼, 2-½, 2-¾, 3-¼, 3-¾)

-- Component Detail Fields:
There are 10 Components and each component has options that user must select
----1)  Barrel
-------- Type (values = H (Heavy Wall Metal Plunger), W (Thin Wall Metal Plunger), P (Heavy Wall Soft Plunger), X (Heavy Wall Metal Plunger, Thin Wall Thread), or S (Thin Wall Soft Plunger)
-------- Length (values: 1 through 20)
-------- Metallurgy Base (values: Steel, 501 CRES, 304 SS, Brass, Monel)
-------- Metallurgy Options (values: None, Chrome, Hard Nickel Carbide, Nickel Carbide, Carburized, Nitrided)
-------- Hold Down Type  (values: C (Cup), M (Mechanical), F (Friction)
-------- Hold Down Location  (values: A (Top), B (Bottom), or T (Bottom, Traveling Barrel)

---- 2) Plunger
-------- Length  (values: 1 through 20)
-------- Fit  (values: -.001, -.002, -.003, -.004, -.005, -.006, -.007, -.008, -.009, -.010, -.011, -.012, -.013, -.014, -.015)
-------- Metallurgy Base (values: Steel, 501 CRES, 304 SS, Brass, Monel)
-------- Metallurgy Options (values: None, Chrome, Hard Nickel Carbide, Nickel Carbide, Carburized, Nitrided)
-------- Upper Extension Length  (values:  .17, .25, .33, .5, .75, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 10, 11, 12)
-------- Lower Extension Length  (values:  .17, .25, .33, .5, .75, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 10, 11, 12) 

---- 3) Standing Valve
-------- Metallurgy Base (values: Steel, 501 CRES, 304 SS, Brass, Monel)
-------- Metallurgy Options (values: None, Chrome, Hard Nickel Carbide, Nickel Carbide, Carburized, Nitrided)

---- 4) Standing Valve Ball
-------- Type (values : API Ball or ALT Ball)
-------- Metallurgy Base  (values: Steel, 501 CRES, 304 SS, Brass, Monel)  

---- 5) Standing Valve Seat
-------- Metallurgy Base  (values: Steel, 501 CRES, 304 SS, Brass, Monel)  

---- 6) Traveling Valve
-------- Metallurgy Base   (values: Steel, 501 CRES, 304 SS, Brass, Monel)  
-------- Metallurgy Options  (values: None, Hard Lined, Rubber Lined, Insert Guided)

---- 7) Traveling Valve Ball
-------- Type (values : API Ball or ALT Ball)
-------- Metallurgy Base   (values: Steel, 501 CRES, 304 SS, Brass, Monel)

---- 8) Traveling Valve Seat
-------- Metallurgy Base   (values: Steel, 501 CRES, 304 SS, Brass, Monel) 

---- 9) Pull Rod
-------- Metallurgy Base    (values: Steel, 501 CRES, 304 SS, Brass, Monel)  
-------- Metallurgy Options  (values: None, Hard Lined, Rubber Lined, Insert Guided)

---- 10) Fittings
-------- Metallurgy Base    (values: Steel, 501 CRES, 304 SS, Brass, Monel)  
-------- Metallurgy Options  (values: None, Hard Lined, Rubber Lined, Insert Guided)

03. Pump Details
Page is displayed when user clicks on link in the list of pumps (01. Pump List) OR after user clicks Save when Adding a Pump (02. Add Pump)
- This is a Read Only View
- Will need Edit and Delete buttons
- Will need Add New Work Order button
- Section Information to be shown on this page: (fields for each section are in 02.Add Pump)
-- Pump Information
-- Customer Information
-- Pump Details
-- Component Details
-- List of Work Orders
---- table showing the different work orders for this pump
---- columns: Work Order Number, Customer, Well Lease, Well Number, Created Date

04. Pump Template List
Displayed when user clicks on Pump Templates tab in Global Nav
-- Need  Add New Pump Template button (clicking it displays 05 Add Pump Template)
-- List of Pump Templates
-- List will display these columns:
---- Template Name (link to 06. Pump Template Details)
---- Brand/Model
---- Components  (lists the component sections in the template)
---- Date Created
-- Columns are sortable

-- There is a Quickfilter for the list:
---- Recently Viewed
---- Recently Created
---- Recently Modified

05. Add Pump Template
-- Pump Shop Users can create a Pump Template that they will use when adding a new Pump to the system
-- Page is displayed when user clicks on Add New Pump Template button on 04.Pump Template List
-- Needs Save and Cancel buttons
---- On clicking Save button displays 06.Pump Template Details

-- To create a Pump Template, the user needs to enter this information:
-- Template Name
-- Pump Details  (values for each  field are the same as in 02.Add Pump)
---- Pump Brand
---- Pump Model
---- Pump Type
---- Tubing Size
---- Pump Size

-- Component Details  
-- note: users will select which components are included in the template and then fill in the data for each (labels and values for each component are the same as in 02.Add Pump)
---- 1) Barrel
---- 2) Plunger
---- 3) Standing Valve
---- 4) Standing Valve Ball
---- 5) Standing Valve Seat
---- 6) Traveling Valve
---- 7) Traveling Valve Ball
---- 8) Traveling Valve Seat
---- 9) Pull Rod
---- 10) Fittings

06. Pump Template Details
-- Page is displayed after user clicks Save when Adding a Template (05.Add Pump Template) OR when user clicks on Template Name from 04.Pump Template List
-- Information on this page is Read Only
-- will need Edit and Delete buttons
-- page will display :
---- Template Name
---- Pump Details
---- Component Details
-- note:  see 05.Add Pump Template for the information to be displayed under each section

07. Work Order List
Displayed when user clicks on Work Orders in Global Nav
-- List of Recently Viewed Work Orders
-- List will display these columns:
---- Work Order Number (link to 09.Work Order Details)
---- Pump Number (link to 03.Pump Details)
---- Customer Name (link)
---- Created Date
-- Columns are sortable

-- There is a Quickfilter for the list:
---- Recently Viewed
---- Recently Created
---- Recently Modified

-- Users can search for a work order  by specifying one or more of these criteria:
---- Customer  (list of names)
---- Well Lease  (list of names)
---- Well Number (list of numbers)
---- Pump Number

08. Add Work Order
Displayed when user clicks Add New Work Order button on 03. Pump Details page
-- need Save and Cancel buttons
------ On clicking Save button it displays  09. Work Order Details

- Page will show:
-- Work Order Info
---- Work Order Number (read only)
---- Status (values: open, closed)
-- Pump Info
---- Pump Number  (read only; prefilled from Pump Details)
---- Customer Name   (read only; prefilled from Pump Details)
---- Well Lease (editable; prefilled from Pump Details)
---- Well Number (editable; prefilled from Pump Details)
---- Run Date (editable; prefilled from Pump Details)
---- Fail Date (editable; prefilled from Pump Details)

-- Pump Evaluation
---- Pull Reason  (values: Pump - Change Capacity, Pump - Change Depth, Pump - Low Production, Pump - Stuck/Sanded, Pump - Failure, Rod - Failure, Tubing - Leak, Well - Inflow/Outflow Problem, Well - Stimulation, Well - Recompletion, Other - Unknown)
---- Foreign Material  (values: None, Scale, Paraffin, Sand, Iron Sulfide, Shale, Coal Fines, Salt, Other)
---- Notes/Remarks   (open text field)

-- Component Evaluation
---- 1) Barrel
---------- Condition  (values: None, Worn, Split, Bent/Dented, Break, Thread Damage, Collapsed, Other)
---------- Replaced?  Y/N
---------------- If user selects yes, show the fields/values for the option under Barrel (type, length, metallurgy base, matallurgy options, hold down type, hold down location) on 02 - Pump Details
---------- Cause of Failure?   Y/N
---------- Remarks  (open text field)
---------- Attach Photo

---- 2) Plunger
---------- Condition  (values: None, Worn, Fluid cut, Split, Pitted, Corrosion)
---------- Replaced?  Y/N
---------- Cause of Failure?   Y/N
---------- Remarks  (open text field)
---------- Attach Photo

---- 3) Standing Valve
---------- Condition  (values: None, Worn, Split, Bent/Dented, Break, Thread Damage, Collapsed, Other)
---------- Replaced?  Y/N
---------- Cause of Failure?   Y/N
---------- Remarks  (open text field)
---------- Attach Photo

---- 4) Standing Valve Ball
---------- Condition  (values: None, Worn, Fluid cut, Split, Pitted, Corrosion)
---------- Replaced?  Y/N
---------- Cause of Failure?   Y/N
---------- Remarks  (open text field)
---------- Attach Photo

---- 5) Standing Valve Seat
---------- Condition  (values: None, Worn, Fluid cut, Split, Pitted, Corrosion)
---------- Replaced?  Y/N
---------- Cause of Failure?   Y/N
---------- Remarks  (open text field)
---------- Attach Photo

---- 6) Traveling Valve
---------- Condition  (values: None, Worn, Split, Bent/Dented, Break, Thread Damage, Collapsed, Other)
---------- Replaced?  Y/N
---------- Cause of Failure?   Y/N
---------- Remarks  (open text field)
---------- Attach Photo

---- 7) Traveling Valve Ball
---------- Condition (values: None, Worn, Fluid cut, Split, Pitted, Corrosion)
---------- Replaced?  Y/N
---------- Cause of Failure?   Y/N
---------- Remarks  (open text field)
---------- Attach Photo

---- 8) Traveling Valve Seat
---------- Condition (values: None, Worn, Fluid cut, Split, Pitted, Corrosion)
---------- Replaced?  Y/N
---------- Cause of Failure?   Y/N
---------- Remarks  (open text field)
---------- Attach Photo

---- 9) Pull Rod
---------- Condition (values: None, Worn, Split, Bent/Dented, Break, Thread Damage, Collapsed, Other)
---------- Replaced?  Y/N
---------- Cause of Failure?   Y/N
---------- Remarks  (open text field)
---------- Attach Photo

---- 10) Fittings
---------- Condition (values: None, Worn, Split, Bent/Dented, Break, Thread Damage, Collapsed, Other)
---------- Replaced?  Y/N
---------- Cause of Failure?   Y/N
---------- Remarks  (open text field)
---------- Attach Photo

-- Update Pump Status
---- Pump Status (values: Repair, Junked)
---- Active Status (values: active-deployed, active-stocked, inactive)

09. Work Order Details
Page is displayed after user clicks Save when on 08. Add Work Order  OR when user clicks on Work Order Number  from 07. Work Order List
-- Information on this page is Read Only
-- will need Edit and Delete buttons
-- will need  Work Order Summary button

-- page will display :
---- Work Order Info
---- Pump Info
---- Pump Evaluation
---- Component Evaluation
-- note:  see 08. Add Work Order for the information to be displayed under each section

Learn Axure:
New to Axure? Here are some quick tutorials to help you get started.

Target Audience:
Pump Shop Employees

Judging Criteria:
Your submission will be judged on the following criteria:
- User Experience.
- Simplicity and Consistency and Ease of Use
- Completeness and accuracy of the wireframe.
- How well your wireframes provide a consistent user flow.
- How well you implement the idea.
- Any suggestions, interactions and user flow you recommend (provide any notes or comments for the client).

Submission & Source Files:
Preview Image

Create your preview image as one (1) 1024x1024 JPG or PNG file in RGB color mode at 72dpi and place a screenshot of your submission within it.

Submission File
Generated HTML files with all the requested contest requirements stated above.

Source Files
Wireframes should be built in Axure. The resulting files should have generated HTML files. Also, all the content must be listed and the pages are linked together to show page flow.

Final Fixes
As part of the Final Fix phase, you may be asked to remove, update, or change some features of the wireframe. We may ask you to update your wires based on checkpoint feedback.

Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.

Stock Photography

Stock photography is not allowed in this challenge. All submitted elements must be designed solely by you. See this page for more details.

How To Submit

  • New to Studio? ‌Learn how to compete here
  • Upload your submission in three parts (Learn more here). Your design should be finalized and should contain only a single design concept (do not include multiple designs in a single submission).
  • If your submission wins, your source files must be correct and final fixes (if applicable) must be completed before payment can be released.
  • You may submit as many times as you'd like during the submission phase, but only the number of files listed above in the Submission Limit that you rank the highest will be considered. You can change the order of your submissions at any time during the submission phase. If you make revisions to your design, please delete submissions you are replacing.

Winner Selection

Submissions are viewable to the client as they are entered into the challenge. Winners are selected by the client and are chosen solely at the client's discretion.


2016 TopCoder(R) Open

Challenge links

Screening Scorecard

Submission format

Your Design Files:

  1. Look for instructions in this challenge regarding what files to provide.
  2. Place your submission files into a "" file.
  3. Place all of your source files into a "" file.
  4. Declare your fonts, stock photos, and icons in a "Declaration.txt" file.
  5. Create a JPG preview file.
  6. Place the 4 files you just created into a single zip file. This will be what you upload.

Trouble formatting your submission or want to learn more? ‌Read the FAQ.

Fonts, Stock Photos, and Icons:

All fonts, stock photos, and icons within your design must be declared when you submit. DO NOT include any 3rd party files in your submission or source files. Read about the policy.


All submissions are screened for eligibility before the challenge holder picks winners. Don't let your hard work go to waste. Learn more about how to  pass screening.

Challenge links

Questions? ‌Ask in the Challenge Discussion Forums.

Source files

  • HTML
  • RP file created with Axure

You must include all source files with your submission.

Submission limit


ID: 30051527