WS3 Cane Quality Photo UI [Swiftoberfest] [Swift/iOS Ready]

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Challenge Overview


This is one of several challenges to extend mobile app functionality. In this challenge we'll be focusing on adding new screens ot view photo images for Sugar Cane samples. Create Cane Quality photo screen based on design. Display cane sample photo images located on AWS S3 storage. For purposes of this cahllenge it is only UI screen with sample photo images.

All submitters passing review on this developer challenge will also earn the Swift/iOS Ready Show Your Skills badge at the completion of the challenge. Ordinarily, this badge can only be earned by passing one of the peer-reviewed Show Your Skills challenges. During Swiftoberfest, certain challenges have been identified as [Swift/iOS Ready] which let you earn your badge while competing in real-world challenges, too!

The app should be built using Swift 2 and Xcode 7. It should include the following functionality:


  • Navigate from each quality data row to phot screen with camera button
  • Display photo images on demand from S3 public access URL
  • No need to store images locally
  • S3 Photo URL should be publically available, no security
  • Integrate Photo UI  into the existing application

Sample photo URLs

For purpose of this challenge app can display same images for all cane quality samples as placeholder data.

Final Submission Guidelines


  • Swift 2 Xcode 7 project with well commented code
  • Sample Xcode 7 project written in Swift using the framework as outlined above
  • Code must compile against iOS SDK 9.0 with a deployment target of iOS 8.0
  • Upload all source projects as a zip
  • Provide a video overview of your submission


  • Use Xcode project to integrate new screens
  • Available design screens and PSD files are in Almasato design repo




2016 TopCoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30051794