Submit a solution
The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

1.1    System Description

The client for this project built a platform that supports the sale, exchange, and redemption of gift cards between businesses and individuals.  The goal of this platform is to help small businesses expand, using both web and mobile layouts, by giving them a simple way to raise capital and acquire new customers using gift cards.  The main function of the platform will be to allow business to post virtual gift cards for sale on the platform.  Individual users will be able to browse and buy these gift cards, as well as resell or trade gift cards they own.  Using the mobile layout, users will be able to redeem their gift cards at the business, and the business will be able to process gift card redemption at their point of sale.

A brief desription of the workflow is attached. The platform is already live but requires various enhancements to satisfy all user needs. 


1.2    Competition Task Overview

There is an Intro Document attached to give you idea of what the website is. We don't have test cases or ARS so we rely on your best judgement here. If you have any questions, please raise it at the forum early.



1. NEW FEATURES and IMPROVEMENTS. You will work with project to report bugs. As soon as you get access to Jira run queries to get the tickets which were implemented for Christmas release. It's them you will need to test:project = "Project Mom and Pop" and component = [component name],  where conponent names are

 - Offers_NewLookAndFeel

 - AuthAndSocialIntegration

 - GiftingRevamp

 - GiftCardMngt

E.g. project = "Project Mom and Pop" and component = Offers_NewLookAndFeel

Please also test PMP-296.


Known major bugs:

1) PMP-245 is not working;

2) uploading live image at business profile page is flawed in Safari.



Also we are concerned with Business Owner and Champion statistics as some of calculations are done wrong. Taking bugs PMP-289 and PMP-295 as a starting point you are encouraged to investigate more on it and reports other bugs.



PROD - (please do not pollute it with fake data; also requires a real credit card). It is behind the development, so it's missing the features you need to test. Given for reference, but any valid bugs reported are appreciated.

QA - ( - this one is for testing.

You can access database at QA using a remote client like Robomongo via port 27017. This way you can set Verified status for business account that you will create.

You can test all functionality at QA using sandbox credit cards (e.g. number 4111 1111 1111 1111, valud expiry date and any cvv, e.g. 123), see for details

To access mobile version in desktop browser add "/mobile/#/", e.g.


Browser Requirements and Layouts

The app consists of desktop and mobile parts which perform slightly different functionality and some workflows may include using both of them. For mobile part please use iPhones and Android mobile devices (with Mobile Safari and Android Browser/Mobile Chrome correspondently). Phones use a different layout, but tablets use the desktop layout.  The desktop version also supports tablets (iOS6+ and Android - recent 2 versions).

The target browsers (latest versions) are:

- Internet Explorer at Windows,

- Chrome at Windows and MacOS,

- Safari at MacOS,

- Firefox at Windows, MacOS and Ubuntu,

- Mobile Safari and Mobile Chrome on tablets.



You will need to create accounts on your own. You can add Platform Admin user directly into the database, however for this scope you will need it provided that you have access to the database.


1.2.3. Non-functional (for reference)

The solution must be able to work under HTTPS and AWS Elastic Load Balancer at Ubuntu 14 with Nginx 1.4+ as a web server.

Final Submission Guidelines

Submission Guidelines 

Log your bugs in JIRA here:

All defects must include the following:

  1. Environment (client OS name and version, browser, hardware model if applicable, and environment where you found the bug: your local, QA, UAT or Prod)
  2. Steps to reproduce.
  3. Actual Outcome vs. Expected Behaviour
  4. Screenshot or Video
  5. If there are errors shown on the dev console, please provide Javascript logs and/or console screenshot(s).
  6. If you log a crash and don't provide a Javascript log, the bug will be rejected.
  7. Add Component to your bug if it relates to one of 4 components above. Add "Statistics" component if it relates to statistics.

This bug hunt follows the standard bug-hunt contest rules: the one who logs the max number of valid bugs wins, and you should try to merge the similar issues in one bug. Other members will receive $5 per each bugs that gets credit.

  1. First competitor to find an issue gets credit, duplicates will not be counted.
  2. Reviewers will accept, reject or mark the issues as duplicate.
  3. Please Do take a look at the reported bugs & known bugs list, duplicated bugs cost your work time and the reviewer's time.
  4. If you have any questions or confusions let us know, via the forums



Be sure to review all the existing open bugs in the Jira project in order to avoid posting duplicates.

Focus on obvious functional bugs, i.e. bugs which break the workflow, distorts business data, prevents a user from completing a business action.

We will reject all issues based on your own assumptions and all bugs about trivial issues like typos / grammar issues / trivial UI issues. Please focus on functionality testing and don't spend your time trying to find spelling errors, typos or trivial UI issues.

Examples of trivial issues which will NOT get credit:

a) - "Hi, User!" looks like a link when hovered but clicking it won't navigate user anywhere.


Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30051961