Challenge Overview
Project Overview
The Web Specialists Contact List Application is looking to provide an intuitive interface for searching for an owner and editor of any '' web page. There are a lot of pages out there managed by many IBMers around the world, and these page need to be updated periodically. The problem is, sometimes it is hard to find the person in charge/responsible for these pages.
By using this application a user will be able to search for specific information regarding a web page(s) (page owner, contact info, etc), along with suggested contacts if they found that the page doesn’t have one, as well as the ability to update information about web pages that are related/connected to themselves.
Competition Task Overview
This challenge will implement the non-admin features from the prototype, this means all pages that doesn't start with prefix "admin-" from the prototype are in scope of this challenge. All pages need to responsive.
Please note the current backend is missing an API to support the "report wrong info" feature, this is also in scope of this challenge (including the backend api), details are posted in the forum.
Please register to get existing code and prototype from challenge forum.
Please note, the word "SiBM" should NOT appear any where (deployment guide, code doc, pages, etc...) in your submission.
Technology Overview
- JavaScript
- Cloudant Database
- BlueMix
- Node.js
- Passport
- nodejs-cloudant
Final Submission Guidelines
Submission Deliverables
- Full code that covers all requirements.
- A deployment guide that explains how to deploy and test your code.
Final Submission
For each member, the final submission should be uploaded via the challenge detail page on