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Challenge Overview

Welcome to the Compensation Calculator Main Calculations Challenge.


If there is only one passing submission for this challenge, we will grant the second place prize money to the first place winner too. Else, the first place winner gets a $200 bonus.


Project Overview

Our client currently assesses salaries for medical professionals based upon location, specialties that the professional performs and a number of other factors.  These calculations are currently performed within an Excel spreadsheet.  The client would like to have this functionality replicated within a web based calculator.


The purpose of this initial project will be to create a Minimum Viable Product around this calculator that will allow:

  1. Users to enter information on physicians that will then be calculated, after which further action can take place.

  2. Keep track of prior submissions for later review.

  3. Manage authorisation and authentication to app to limit access to those that are given access via administrators to the system.

  4. Provide the ability to modify and update reference data for the calculator, mostly through importing the existing spreadsheet via CSV.

  5. Store documents related to submissions in Amazon S3 when required.


Challenge Overview

We have already developed the initial application and defined three types of users that will work on the application. In addition to this, we also have created screens to allow the users to create / edit / view submissions.


We then proceeded to add an Import CSV feature to the application that allows the super admin user to import the worksheets present in the excel. This is useful for the calculations that will be performed in this challenge which lookup these values in the excel.


This challenge will build upon this existing application to carry out the main calculations that are carried out in the excel.


We also have some minor spelling mistakes and label updates to carry out as part of the issues reported by our client. You will need to fix them too as part of this challenge.

More information is available in the challenge forums which are visible only after registration.

Final Submission Guidelines

  1. Update the existing application. Follow the conventions and design used in the current application and do not create your own.

  2. Update the existing deployment guide, if required. Do not create a new deployment guide.

  3. You need not update the versions and / or headers for any existing or new files

  4. You can submit the entire application or a git patch of the changes too. Zip it and upload it to the Submit and Review tool for this challenge.


2016 TopCoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30052179