USA Diving Team iOS iPad App - Prototype Part 1 [Swiftoberfest] [Swift/iOS Ready]

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Challenge Overview

Project Overview

The goal of this project is to design and build an iPad application that will allow the USA Diving team to track the performance of divers as they prepare for official diving events and Olympic trials. Closely monitoring the day-to-day well-being and performance of divers in training will allow coaches and physicians to adjust individual training programs, for improved results.

Competition Task Overview

For this challenge, we'd like to build the 1st part of the screens into a native iOS prototype app following the screen designs.

Here are some general guidelines to follow:

  • The app must be built using Swift
  • The app must work on iOS 8+ and all ipad models
  • The app is ipad only and only needs to support the landscape orientation
  • The code must be properly documented
  • All screens from the design (storyboard) must be covered and be functional in the final app.
  • No hardcoded data in code, test data should be read from / written to json files (or core data if that makes sense)

Screen Flow

  • After login, app navigates to 2_1_Dashboard_Placeholder.jpg
  • On 2_b_Dashboard_Menu.png, the Manage Profile menu takes user to the 3_a to 3_e screens
  • On 2_b_Dashboard_Menu.png, the Start Training Session menu takes user to 4_a_1_Default_Diver_PIN.jpg
  • On 4_a_1_Default_Diver_PIN.jpg, user can go back to dashboard by clicking on End Training Session. If user enters the correct PIN, screen goes to 4_c_Health_Survey_PRE.png
  • From 4_c_Health_Survey_PRE.png, users can go to the 4_b screens after hitting Cancel or Save
  • From the 4_b screens, the users can go to profile screen or go back to 4_c
  • From the 4_b screens, if the user clicks End Training (either the menu or button), they are directed to screen 4_d_Health_Survey_POST.png
  • 4_d_Health_Survey_POST.png will flow to dashboard screen

Technology Overview

  • iOS 8+
  • iPad
  • Swift
  • Xcode

Documentation Provided

Register to see documents in the forum.

Final Submission Guidelines

Submission Deliverables

Below is an overview of the deliverables:

  • Xcode project that covers all mentioned requirements
  • A complete and detailed deployment documented explaining how to deploy the application including configuration information.
  • Video is NOT required for this challenge.

Final Submission

For each member, the final submission should be uploaded via the challenge detail page on


2016 TopCoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30052372