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The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview


Project Overview

Welcome to the American Cancer Society Mobile App Bug Hunt. This project is to test functionality of American Cancer Society mobile application across multiple devices using a series of bug-hunts.

Contest Overview
The App allows acceptance of credit card, check and PayPal donations to currently registered participants of our online fundraising programs. Any user who is registered online for an event, can download the App, log in with the credentials they use on the desktop site, and enter donations to credit their fundraising goal. People who are fundraising on behalf of the American Cancer Society are the ones using the App, and can utilize the App to enter credit card donations, check donations, and PayPal donations from people they know, to help raise money towards their goals.

Logins, URLs to the desktop sites, and payment details are on the attached document.

There are no test cases or test plan for this contest. We would like you to verify all functionality and find any defects. Please ignore the known issues noted below.

Please select the component as "December", while logging the issues.

Device Requirements

  1. Android 4.1 + Devices
  2. Test devices:
  • Nexus 4,5,6,7
  • Samsung Galaxy S3, S4, S5, S6, Note 3, Note 4
  • Motorola Droid Turbo, Moto X, Moto G
  • Sony Xperia Z3
  • LG G3, G4
  • HTC One

Installation, Setup & Known Issues 

  1. Get APK file download link from forum.
  2. Install APK file on actual device.
  3. The app will require login. Login details are on attached document.

Known Issues 

The following features have known issues or are not implemented, please don't log issues related to them.
1. Facebook login
2. Check-scanning feature.
3. App doesn't verify email addresses.

Final Submission Guidelines


Prize, Payment Structure & Scoring

1. 1st Place - $800
2. 2nd Place - $400
3. For scoring, the submitter with the most accepted bugs will win. The 2nd submitter with the 2nd highest amount of accepted bugs will win 2nd place.
4. For submitters who submit but don't take 1st place or 2nd place, if they submit bugs that aren't covered in the 1st place or 2nd place submission, they will receive $5 for each unique bug reported up to a maximum of the 2st place prize ($400).


Submission Guidelines
Log your bugs in JIRA here:

Important Notice:
All defects must include the following:

1. Environment (Android version and Device model)
2. Steps to reproduce
3. Outcome vs. Expected Outcome
4. Screenshot or Video

This bug hunt follows the standard bug-hunt contest rules, the one logs the max number of valid bugs win, and you should try to merge the similar issues in one bug (e.g. input box one page1 & page2 validation error should be counted as one same bug). 

1. First competitor to find an issue gets credit, duplicates will not be counted.
2. Reviewers will accept, reject or mark the issues as duplicate.
3. Please Do take a look at the reported bugs & known bugs list, duplicated bugs cost your work time and the reviewer's time.
4. If you have any questions or confusions let us know, via the forums

Note: We would like the app to be tested on various kinds of Android devices. We encourage the members to use different android devices to test the app.

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30052417