Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

The goal of this challenge is to make few updates to the AERS Managed Risk application as outlined below.

Challenge Requirements

You will address the following issues :

Generate Report Flow

  • - You are provided with an updated UI prototype that implemented colors option tab.

  • - Update the application to implement the color picker and reordering in the flow.

  • - Update backend to store the selected colors and to load existing colors when editing/cloning existing report.

  • - Colors selected count should be at least equal to the required fields (y-axis) to be rendered in the charts.

  • - In current Generate Report flow, if user click “Next” in step five (5) with only Report tab selected (no chart) it will show error to the user that an x-axis must be selected. This is major bug, the user can select only Report tab and the report will contain report only, no chart.

  • - Also in current flow we should not allow creating report where both DisplayReportData and DisplayGraph are set to False. At least a grid data or chart should be selected.

  • - In step 3 and 4 we do ajax call to verify the fields, the ajax response is done asyncronous and use can advance to next steps before user can see validation errors. Fix this to make the validation call when user click "next", show a spinner to indicate a validation is being done, and advance user only if there is no error.

Custom Report Details Page

  • - Same as done in the Generate Report Flow, implement the chart colors option tab.

  • - Update the Details page to fix any issue related to fixing selecting Report only tab in generate report flow.

  • - Remove cancel button in the page.

  • - Fix Email button to send report as email in both PDF and excel.

PDF and Excel Export

Currently there is a bug when generating a PDF report, when clicking on export PDF it will show 500 Internal Error, provide a fix.

Also fix both pdf and excel to include the chart in the exported file, you cannot programmatically create chart control so you need a workaround to create a page that gets invoked to render the chart and then use it to export the chart to image.

Export Buttons

  • - Exports buttons across the app should work, it exists in report table and report details page.

  • - The only two buttons needed are excel and pdf, other export buttons should be removed.

Charts in Dashboard

In current Dashboard page the charts rendered are images, you need to provide a solution that switch to DevExpress chart controls instead of images same as done in report details page.

Formatting Charts Data and Tables

  • - By default all numeric fields to be rendered in tables, charts and grid data should have comma separator as formatter.

  • - We need to two new fields in databasecolumn table for formatting numeric fields when rendering them in the chart :

    1. - First field should be named ‘format-type’, and have two possible values, ‘currency’ and ‘percentage’. We might have new format types in future.

    2. - Second field should be named ‘format-value’ and will be used in this case to store the currency value i.e. USD, Pound .. etc.

  • The formatting should include both the series points and the axis items.

Formatting Metrics In Dashboard

Same as formatting numbers in charts, we need to update backend to enable formatting, it should use comma separation for numbers, and show a unit (currency, percentage, .. etc) if available.

Technology overview

- SQL Server 2012

- C#

- .NET Framework 4.5


- DevExpress ASP.NET Chart Control

Existing Documents

- Class Diagrams

- Sequence Diagrams

- Application Design Specification


- Source Code that you will use as basis for your work.

GitLab Access

- You can get access to the Gitlab repo group in this tool  .  If you are having trouble with the auto registration tool, please ask in the forums.

- Once added to the team, fork the repository and work off this branch

- The UI prototype for color picker fix is here

Final Submission Guidelines


- Upload documentation for how to run and verify your submission

- Upload all your solution as git patch files.

- Add elkhawajah as a member of your forked repository

- Winner will be required to submit a merge request on gitlab against the branch specified.


2016 TopCoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30052514