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Challenge Overview

We are working on an iPad application for a well known client, Anheuser-Busch!  This application will be used by their “The High End” Field Sales Representatives selling premium Anheuser-Busch products (Stella, Goose Island, Shock Top, etc). This third challenge will continue the conversion of the application from Objective-C to Swift.

The Documents folder in the Resources repository contains numerous reference materials for development.  For this challenge, pay special attention to the Assembly Spec.  It contains a full narrative on all relevant application flow, user stories, etc.

You’ll be converting the existing application from Objective-C to Swift.  For this challenge, focus on the following areas:

-- Implement all filtering and search capabilities and Account add/remove functionality
-- See pages 30 - 38 in the assembly spec for further details

Account Details
-- Implement all subviews - Account Performance, Leads and Action Items and Contact management functionality
-- See pages 40  - 46 in the assembly spec for further details

-- Implement all filtering capabilities and data views
-- Note the user may enter this screen from the Main Menu, PFP or Account screens
-- See pages 49 - 51 in the assembly spec for further details

-- Note the user may enter this screen from the Main Menu or Start Call action from the Account detail screen
-- See pages 47 - 48 in the assembly spec for further details

Call Summary
-- Screen is displayed once an Account Call is ended
-- Implement all Call Summary functionality including Notes and photo capturing
-- See pages 52 - 59 in the assembly spec for further details

Call End
-- Screen is displayed following the Call Summary
-- Implement all Action Items functionality
-- See pages 60 - 62 in the assembly spec for further details

-- See the challenge forums for details on adding yourself to the GitLab group
-- Fork the ABHE repository and use the tc_daily branch for the basis of development
-- Fork the ABHE-Swift repository and work off of the tc_swift_3 branch for challenge development
-- Add harrywynn as a member of your forked repository with Reporter access
-- All necessary UI elements can be found in the Objective-C project on the tc_daily branch; sources are located in the Resources repository’s Designs folder
-- Documentation can be found in the Resources repository’s Documents folder

Final Submission Guidelines

All submission are required to include a basic text file including only the following information:
"I certify that I am 21 years of age or older.  My birthday is DD/MM/YYYY"
Please fill in the date with your actual birthdate.

In addition to the above requirement:
-- Xcode 7.2 project with all screens and functionality as outlined above and in the assembly specification document
-- Code must compile against iOS SDK 9.2 with a deployment target of iOS 8.0
-- Develop for iPad size classes, with orientation locked to landscape
-- Use XIBs and auto layout for all views and navigation
   -- Re-use existing ones where appropriate
-- All code must be written in Swift and be well commented
-- Upload your source project as a zip


2016 TopCoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30052546