Challenge Overview
Project Overview
LightSpeed is an Excel based VBA application and in this project we are converting this application to a web based app to make it much easier to use. The web app will be an HTML5 app with offline capabilities.
Competition Task Overview
For this challenge, we need to work on a number of new features. Here's a summary:
- Replace the content in the expanded project view with charts as shown in the UI mockup and prototype
- Make D/B comments part of project notes and update the table view
- Implemente Announcement Banner
We'll provide a prototype but the prototype still has some issues and you will need to make some enhancements based on the UI mockup we provide so the final app matches the design. Please register to see details in the forum.
Make sure the app still works in both online and offline mode after these changes.
Note we do not have an architecture for this challenge so asking questions early in the forum is important!
Use the same technologies currently being used in the app.
If you make any changes to the backend code, you must make sure all unit tests still work, it's NOT acceptable to remove any existing unit tests from our code base.
Both online and offline mode must work on latest version of Firefox / Chrome and Safari on Mac.
Support for IE is NOT needed.
This challenge has shorter submission / screening / review / appeals timeline, make sure you don't miss any deadlines.
Winner Responsibility
The winner of the challenge will be asked to help with code merge if necessary.
Technology Overview
- Java
- Postgres
- Hibernate
- Tomcat
- Spring MVC
- AngularJS
Documentation Provided
Register to download documents from challenge forum.
Final Submission Guidelines
Submission Deliverables
A complete list of deliverables can be viewed in the TopCoder Assembly competition Tutorial at:
Below is an overview of the deliverables:
- Full code that covers all requirements
- A complete and detailed deployment document explaining how to deploy the application including configuration information.
- JUNIT Tests to verify your application successfully meets the requirements of the application.
- The maven build script to compile code and run unit tests.
Final Submission
For each member, the final submission should be uploaded via the challenge detail page on