Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Trixel Challenge series

The Trixel challenge series will be a multi-part series of challenges that will eventually produce an application for tracking a users internet usage across a set of sites where trixel components exist. There are several different pieces of this application that will be developed in parallel then combined in future challenges.


In this challenge we will be creating a landing site for the trixel project. This site will have a simple authentication mechanism that will allow the user to log in and create a session. The site will use the passport node module with the local strategy. Username and password will be store in a JSON file that will be read to authentic the user. There will also be a javascript function that will be called after a user has authenticated that will send a postMessage to an iframe communicating information about the logged in user. You should have a simple iframe in your page that include a javascript handler for the postMessage call that will display the user information in the iframe.


  • You will create the initial base project structure. Feel free to use a scaffolding tool such as Yeoman, or start from scratch.
  • The application should be written in Node.
  • It should follow standard best practices for web applications, including writing unit tests for your code.
  • How you render the client side page for authenticating is left up to the developer.
  • The client side should have two different views: ** One view where the user is not authenticated that will show a simple login form and an iframe section that has content indicating that the iframe does not have information about the current user. ** A second view after the user has successfully authenticated. After loading the iframe should receive a postMessage and update its content showing the user identity data.
Example user entry
  "userId": "uniqueUserID",
  "userName": "myUserName",
  "password": "myPassword"


  • Your node and client side code should follow best practices and patterns, including excellent code documentation and a linting step as part of the build that lints your code (jshint with default options is fine).
  • You should write tests for all of your code that can be executed as part of a build.
  • The project should include a valid package.json file that can be used to run the project.
  • Valid users will be stored in a users.json file that is used server side to authenticate on a login attempt.
  • The application should use passportjs and the local strategy.
  • No remote datasource should be used for this version of the project.



  • Please post any questions or concerns you have to the forum. They will be addressed in a timely manner.


Final Submission Guidelines


  • Upload documentation for how to run your submission
  • Upload all your source code as a zip
  • Add lazybaer and gbockus as members of your forked repository
  • Provide a video overview of your submission. Please describe what you did in the video.
  • Winner will be required to submit a merge request on gitlab against the branch specified!


2016 TopCoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30052907