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Challenge Overview

Challenge Overview
The Support Easy Onboarding Application is a customer facing application to help streamline the onboarding process for support services. The onboarding process will be gamelike to help teach customers how to sign up for various services. The application is designed to be engaging, educational and of course fun to use. We want to give the user a sense of accomplishment through the onboarding process.
We have already integrated the admin, backend, and mobile frontend, now in this challenge we will build a simple CMS web page to manage the externalization information in the admin
Challenge Details
1.The page will contain a list of rows, each row will contain following elements:
1) key name, default it is plain text
2) value, default it is plain test
3) edit button, if clicked, goto edit mode, that is, change key name and value to be input field, and change the edit button to be save button(if clicked, then save it, change key name and value to be plain text again)
4) delete button (need confirmation prompt)
5) upload button, visible when in edit mode, if clicked, it will ask the user to select a local file to upload, during uploading, the page will popup a modal box, displaying the uploading progress, there is also a button to cancel uploading.
if upload is successful, close the popup box, and update the value to be the URL of the uploaded file(start with '/')
you need to update the admin code for this
2. in the top there is a search box(input field), input something and click a search button, the rows will be filtered to show the search results, the search text will match the key name firstly, then match the value
3. in the end there is an add button, if clicked, it will add a new row(in edit mode by default)

nice UI will be scored as extra enhancement
Technical Stack
AngularJS and Bootstrap

Final Submission Guidelines

Updated admin project that covers all the requirement
A complete and detailed deployment documented explaining how to deploy and verify the app including configuration information. Please provide step by step verification steps, simple text ReadMe is not acceptable.

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30053085