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Challenge Overview

All resouces are available here - Resource Files (Google Drive)

Welcome to "Interlochen Media - iOS Prototype Challenge". In this challenge we are creating a prototype iOS app that runs on iPad & iPhone from designs from provided designs. 

The nonprofit Interlochen Center for the Arts is a recipient of the National Medal of Arts and the only organization in the world that brings together: a 2,500-student summer camp program; a 500-student fine arts boarding high school; opportunities for hundreds of adults to engage in fulfilling artistic and creative programs; two 24-hour listener-supported public radio stations (classical music and news); more than 600 arts presentations annually by students, faculty and world-renowned guest artists; a global alumni base spanning eight decades, including leaders in the arts and all other endeavors. For information, visit Interlochen online at

This mobile app will be used by Interlochen as a central location to showcase the quality and diversity of their programs. In addition, the app will help promote the arts by allowing users to view videos of live performances and listen to recordings of concerts. We are looking forward to  your participation in this challenge!


Technical Details

This challenge should follow the provided designs (Interlochen Final Screen Set -- Approved.pdf in resource folder) and only use resources provided in the resource folder linked above. Use only standard iOS libraries (CocoaTouch), If you feel there is a 3rd party library that would help in the development of this application please get approval thorugh froms and install using CocoaPods. Use only what is provided in the resounce folder, if you need something, please post in forms. There is no starter project for this applicaiton. To the best of your ability and iOS's features create an applicaiton that matches as close as possbile the provided designs. Below are the technical details, refer to Interlochen Screen Flow.png in the resource folder for further detail. 



This application should run with no UI issues on all iPhones & iPads running iOS 9. Landscape mode should not be allowed unless in a media player. Primary consideration for this challenge is for the iPhone devices. There will be a subsequent challenge to tailor the UI to iPad.



All data should be default values, we are looking for a demonstration of the functionality of the UI only, but do not want a complicated data model for demo data. All values should be sample text (e.g. Lorem). All dynamic data (cells, descriptions, titles, thumbnails) can be repeated.


  • Tabs are not dynamic, Featured, Radio, Performances, Extras & More should be listed in the application

    • Header images on these sections are static and should be added to this application.

  • Create a global boolean value in info.plist that states whether the application is in prototype mode.

  • Create a custom method for each section that load demo data into the view (again, can be repeatable, looking for number of cell to demonstrate the UI no different content in the  cells). This method only populates demo data if the above variable is true. We will build in integrations later.

  • With the above called out, ensure that all pieces of the UI are demoed in the submission. For example, Campus View is the only area containing Live Camera Cell, a sample of that category should be available in the Extra sections of the application.


LOADING SCREEN (screens #1-5 in PDF)

Loading screen that starts with a grey Interlochen logo and then animates to fills in with color.


  • Splash screen of the application should be the grey logo with darker grey background.

  • Once app loads the initial screen will be the same as the splash screen but initiate loading of media for the application. For this challenge create a dummy method for loading initial data and simulate a 3 second load.

  • Add a gradient to the loading so that the color appears to fade.


Tab View Controller (All Pages)

This application is based on tab view controller containing Featured, Radio, Performances, Extras & More. There should be one tab bar controller that is the entry point for the application after the initial loading screen.


Common Media List View (pages 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22)

This is the base view of the application and should be set up as a reusable common view in the application (subclass of UIViewController).


  • Navigation Bar

    • Transparent bar also with a transparent status bar.

    • Should have a Search button and the ability to show/hide on init of the view (example: search not in extra).

  • Header

    • Header section that has a Image, Title and Description.

      • In Radio section the Title is a imageview, build in the functionality to choose this at load.  

    • When scrolling the header image should not move and should only reduce to ½ the size hiding the description (see pages 6-7).

    • Images, title and description are static for each section and should be hard coded into the view.

  • Separator

    • The list view should begin with a standard separator an image with Interlochen’s primary colors.  

  • List View

    • This view should list content and use defined cells based on the content.

    • cells

      • Video/Audio content (page 6)

        • This cell is contains an image, title, content type, views and a preview of the description.

        • Selecting on this cell should push into a standard media player.

      • Content Category Cell (pages 14 & 18)

        • In the performances & Extras section, there is an extra level to the content (category list -> content list -> content).

        • This cell is similar to Video/Audio content, but contains number of content instead of content  type & views.

        • Selecting this cell pushes to a new common content view controller for that specific category (page 15)

      • Radio Station Cell (page 10)

        • This cell is ½ the width of screen and contains a station title, show title, times, up next, and then a button to listen

        • Selecting this cell pushes into standard audio media player.

      • Live Camera Cell (pages 20 - 21)

        • Similar to the Radio Station Cell, but only contains a title and watch now.

        • Selecting this cell pushes into standard video media player.

      • More Cell (page 22)

        • Simple cell that just displays a title

        • Selecting this cell pushing into a web view controller (no work required for this challenge on the web view controller. Just have it load

      • Connect Cell (page 22)

        • same as More Cell, but has 3 connect buttons for Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

        • Nothing happens when selecting this cell, create dummy actions for each social media button.


Common Content Detail Screen (pages 8, 9, 12, 17)

This is the screen that show details of content (either audio or video). it should display an image, a watch/listen action button, title, number of views subheader and a textview description.



  • Navigation Bar

    • Should have a grey bar and status bar.

    • should always be a detail of a navigation controller and have an arrow back button and a share button

      • The share button should open a UIActivityController for anything that except a url & text. This is listed on page 9, but use a standard UIActivityController.

  • Header

    • Header should contain an image, along with a centered button for Watch/Listen now. Should depend on the content type (watch for video, listen for audio).

      • This button open pushes into a standard media player for the content.

    • This data is dynamic, so load sample image / test. Can be the same for every detail but should demonstrate video &  audio. (see data section)

  • Content

    • Should list the Title

    • Should have a subheader

    • Line separator

    • Description should be a scrollable text view.

Final Submission Guidelines

-- All code should be written in Swift and be well commented

-- Provide a detailed Deployment Guide with configuration and verification information for all requirements

-- Provide a demo video covering verification for all requirements

-- Code must compile with Xcode 7 against iOS SDK 9.2, deployment target of iOS 8.0

-- Develop for iPhone size classes, with orientation locked to portrait (unless for media player)

-- Use storyboards for all views and navigation

-- All storyboards/strings should be implemented with localization support

-- Use Core Data for local device storage if required

-- Upload your source project as a zip


2016 TopCoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30053119