Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

XRE is a system that allows client / server communication and drawing based on commands from the server.  The client can also send events, like key presses or mouse clicks, back to the server, and the server can respond with new drawing or other calls.  Right now, the receiver is built with Javascript and the drawing is done using WebGL.


This series of challenges is working towards updating the code to strip out a bunch of unneeded code, comments, and general redundant code and then modernising the codebase to use new strategies for drawing and optimisation.


Challenge Objective


This challenge will take an existing skeleton that we finished building and will implement the functionality necessary to run the tests in the test suite under menu option 5 - “HTML/HTTP Test Suite”.


The codebase in the forum contains some updates over the recent code challenge to add in some structure around how the Javascript is defined and used, as well as implement drawing and animations.


Overall requirements include:


  • Implement XREHtmlView and it’s corresponding functionality
  • Implement XREHtmlViewResource
  • Update any code so that we match the examples given in the forum fairly closely


Note that small differences in display are allowed for the tests.  It’s not expected that we will match the examples taken from the native implementation *exactly*.

Final Submission Guidelines

Please just submit a zip file of your submission with the required functionality to Online Review.


2016 TopCoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30053135