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Challenge Overview

We are working on an iPad application for a well known client, Anheuser-Busch!  This application is used by their “The High End” Field Sales Representatives selling premium Anheuser-Busch products (Stella, Goose Island, Shock Top, etc). This next challenge will add new functionality to the existing app.

The v2 folder within Documents in the Resources repository contains reference materials for development.  For this challenge, you’ll be utilizing the functional specification for all relevant updates, application flow, user stories, etc. and the REST services reference for new/updated API calls.  A mockup for the updated Content screen containing a new icon is also located here.

-- Follow the General Interaction rules in the functional specification for overall development guidelines
-- Handle all errors within the app gracefully to eliminate the potential for exceptions
-- The development done for this challenge should not affect any functionality specific to the BAMS or TAMS targets in the Xcode project, only ABHE

You’ll be updating the existing application to include the following new or updated functionality.  The items below are an outline for development - all updates are explained in full detail in the functional specification.

-- Update the labels for the bar graphs under My Volume
-- Update the calendar to display in 30 minute increments

-- Integrate new web services to determine the max PFP points and date stamp
-- Update the corresponding calculations/images for filling the beer glass
    -- The fill needs to be dynamic as the calculation could change at any time
-- Remove hard coded PFP items and replace with data from web services

-- Update the Day view calendar to display in 30 minute increments
-- Add functionality for editing events
-- Add functionality for recurring events
-- Add functionality to the map for the user to toggle display of their current location

Accounts List
-- Add functionality for advanced searching
-- Add functionality for adding Non-Buy accounts
-- Add functionality for viewing Non-Buy accounts
-- Add functionality for saving a neighborhood name to an account

Account Details
-- Update the Wholesaler display to be two lines only
-- Ensure all contacts are listed
-- Add functionality for adding new contacts to an account
-- Update display of Brands Carried
-- Add functionality for deleting timeline notes
-- Update the labels for Volume

-- Update the icon on the far left
-- Update the URL to be followed when this icon is tapped

-- Ensure the entire view is rendered as laid out in the functional specification
-- Add a search bar and search functionality
-- Add a last update label to the view

Call Summary
-- Ensure a scroll indicator is only displayed when necessary
-- Separate the Item List area into 3 sections - Objectives, Brands and Questionnaire
-- Update timeline note button text

Action Items
-- Create a Closed Item list on the right hand side of the screen
-- Add functionality for editing and removing items
-- Add functionality for recurring items

-- See the challenge forums for details on adding yourself to the GitLab group
-- Fork the ABHE-Swift repository and work off of the tc_swift_4 branch for challenge development
-- Add harrywynn as a member of your forked repository with Reporter access
-- Documentation can be found in the Resources repository’s v2 folder within Documents

Final Submission Guidelines

All submission are required to include a basic text file including only the following information:

"I certify that I am 21 years of age or older.  My birthday is DD/MM/YYYY"

Please fill in the date with your actual birthdate.

In addition to the above requirement:
-- Xcode 7.2 project with all screens and functionality as outlined above and in the functional specification document
-- Code must compile against iOS SDK 9.2 with a deployment target of iOS 9.0
-- Develop for iPad size classes, with orientation locked to landscape
-- Use XIBs and auto layout for all views and navigation
-- All code must be written in Swift and be well commented
-- Upload your source project as a zip


2016 TopCoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30053211