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Challenge Overview

Challenge Overview

The goal of this project is to create an application to allow Teacher of the Visually Impaired (TVI) to crowdsource content that would be helpful in educating students.

We have already completed the design and in this challenge we need to build the iOS prototype based on the design.


In the previous challenge we have built the UI for iPhone, this challenge will focus on adding the iPad screens and make sure all screens work on both iPhones and iPads. The following requirements are in scope: 

  • 1. The prototype app must follow the provided design and cover all provided screens (major focus is iPad but double check iPhone as well)
  • 2. The prototype app must be built using Swift
  • 3. The prototype app must support iOS 9+ (including the latest iOS 9.3)
  • 4. The prototype app must support iPhone 5 and newer models, and all screen resolutions of iPad
  • 5. The prototype app only needs to work in portrait mode on the iphone
  • 6. The prototype app must be usable to the blind and visually impaired, you will need to double check the accessibility guidelines below. This also implies that the settings in the design should work.
  • 7. Since this is a prototype, there’s no need to build the backend services for the app. But please don’t hard code data into UI either, you can likely consume data from json files.
  • 8. Make sure your code is properly documented

Understanding Accessibility on iOS

  • 1. Zoom. Magnifies the entire device screen.
  • 2. White on Black. Inverts the colors on the display. 
  • 3. Mono Audio. Combines the sound of the left and right channels into a mono signal played on both sides.
  • 4. Speak Auto-text. Speaks the text corrections and suggestions iPhone makes while users type.
  • 5. Voice Control. Allows users to make phone calls and control iPod playback using voice commands
  • 6. VoiceOver: VoiceOver is Apple’s innovative screen-reading technology, which gives users control over their devices without having to see the screen. VoiceOver does this by acting as an intermediary between an application's user interface and the user's touch, providing audible descriptions of elements and actions in the application. When VoiceOver is active, users don’t have to worry about accidentally deleting a contact or calling a phone number, because VoiceOver tells them where they are in the user interface, what actions they can take, and what the results of those actions will be.
  • 7. An application is accessible when all user interface elements with which users can interact are accessible. A user interface element is accessible when it properly reports itself as an accessibility element. 


  • iOS
  • Swift
  • Xcode

Final Submission Guidelines


Your submission must include the following:

  • 1. Complete code that covers all these requirements
  • 2. Deployment guide / instructions on how to configure and run the code
  • 3. Verification details on how to verify the features work as expected. The verification document must include details on how to verify it works for the blind and visually impaired


2016 TopCoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30053416