AdQa Node JS Server - Add Worker for handling JIRA Interactions

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview


In this challenge we will be adding a worker to the ConfigProxy project for handling issue creations. It will read jobs from the Kue/Redis store and process ticket creation in Jira.


  • The worker will monitor the Kue/Redis store for jobs and process them as they are discovered.
    The worker will be a Heroku background worker and should be configured as such in the project.
    The payload from the job will be used to make a create ticket call to Jira. When the process completes the job will be updated to reflect the success or failure of the job.


  • Request access to the Gitlab repo group here by posting on the forums or email gbockus.
    Once added to the team, fork the repository and work off this branch.
    Use Kue/Redis for the datastore.
    Jira credentials can be found in the forum.
    Tests should be written for all added or modified code.
    All tasks defined in the gulp file should pass (lint and test).


  • Please post any questions or concerns you have to the forum. They will be addressed in a timely manner.

Final Submission Guidelines


  • Deploy your solution to Heroku and make sure to include your working Heroku instance URL as part of your documentation.
    Provide your code and documentation in a single zip file. Make sure you include steps to deploy to Heroku.
    Add lazybaer and gbockus as members of your forked repository.
    Provide a video overview of your submission. Please describe what you did in the video.
    Winner will be required to submit a merge request on gitlab against the branch specified!


2016 TopCoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30054071