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Challenge Summary

Welcome to "Living Progress - Social Volunteer Discovery - Desktop Wireframes Challenge". In this challenge, we need your help to think about the best possible UX for our new platform where user can find and volunteer to to any activity based on their preferences. Similar to a Netflix or Amazon recommendations model, we are aiming to serve up to our users volunteer opportunities that are of interest to them.  At the end of this challenge, we are wanting to see intuitive and easy to use (requiring no training) "wireframe concepts" that will help us design and build the UI in the next phase of this project! We are focusing on the mobile breakpoints in this wireframe challenge.

Round 1

Initial submission for client review
01.  Main homepage for all users

Volunteers Scenario
01. Login and Register Page
02. Dashboard Page
03. Browse Opportunities Page
04. Opportunities Details Page
06. User Profile Page

Cause Account Admin
01. Login and Register Page
02. Dashboard Page
03. Organization Profile Page

Round 2

All requirements as stated in challenge details with client feedback applied
01. Mainpage for all user groups

Volunteers Scenario
01. Login and Register Page
02. Dashboard Page
03. Browse Opportunities Page
04. Opportunities Details Page
05. Organization Details Page
06. User Profile Page

Cause Account Admin (Non-Profit Organization)
01. Login and Register Page
02. Dashboard Page
03. Organization Profile Page
04. Post Opportunities Page
05. View Opportunities Progress Status (Opportunity Detail)
Background Overview
Insufficient progress is being made on the most pressing social and environmental challenges facing local communities and the world we all share. One of the strongest tools the world has to turn the tide on these challenges is the power of people devoting their time and talents to these challenges as volunteers and, through that experience, inspiring enrolling others in common cause to effect change. According to the US Census, about 60 million Americans volunteer each year, which is a powerful force for good, but only about 20% of the citizenry. Moreover, the opportunity to better connect people to opportunities to make a difference is enormous on a global scale.

If we fail to inspire and connect the maximum possible people to a cause where they can make a meaningful difference, we will never solve the great challenges of our time. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "Everyone can be great, because everyone can serve." Volunteer service should be viewed as a powerful lever for change across all the UN Sustainable Development Goals. It is through volunteering that every individual can make a meaningful contribution to this bold, global agenda. It is through these hands on experiences that individuals build empathy, new perspective, and the values of community necessary to build a sustainable, just global society.

Our vision is to transform how people discover volunteer opportunities online "from search to social". By applying machine learning, predictive analytics, and persuasive UX design to our current search-­-based All For Good platform, the largest catalog of volunteer opportunities on the internet, we will revolutionize how people are invited into service. 

This will result in more people connecting to causes they can help with their time, talent, money, and social influence. It is ultimately through the power of people that social change happens.

Challenge Goals: 
Create a powerful consumer facing social discovery platform that includes features like:
- The cutting edge in interface layer UX design
- Machine learning, persuasive technology, and behavioral science to push the right volunteer opportunities to the right people at the right time.
- Insights from the social graph so that more people can bring others into volunteer service through peer influence.
This project will overhaul our existing volunteer discovery platform called "All For Good" (, from a search based platform to a social discovery platform

Focus Area:
Civic Engagement, Community Development and Volunteerism

Key Features:
Must Have Features
- Volunteer users - SSO for volunteer users via Facebook that leverages data permissions and social graph
- Volunteer users - Expanded "actions" users can take (like/favorite, send to friend)
- Volunteer users - Volunteer profile with photos (pulled from FB), skills, their followed organizations, and a "badges"/"credits" section for future build out
- Volunteer users - Integrate with our background screening partner so volunteers can order a screen, display in their profile, and share with an organization they want to volunteer with.
- Volunteer users - ability to create and organize into groups (schools, churches, etc.) 
- Cause account users - Branded organization page with their volunteer opportunities
- Cause account users - Nonprofit account dashboard: Their opportunity listings (active, expired, pending); their volunteer followers
- Cause account users - Ability to download CSV file of their followers/supporters
- Cause account users - Improved volunteer posting interface with rich media file addition (logos, photos).

Nice To Have Features
- Volunteer users - Ability to invite their friends
- Volunteer users - Pandora-style "like"/"dislike" content/opportunity types to improve recommendation engine.
- Volunteer users - More robust skills and availability profile (e.g. see only weekend projects)
- Cause account users - Version 2 of the dashboard: their platform performance (how many impressions their opportunities have had through search discovery, social discovery, etc.)
- Cause account users - Link a Twitter, Facebook, and/or LinkedIn account(s) so that a posting gets broadcast with a URL shortened link

User Case Scenarios:
- Searching for opportunities by keyword, organization type, geography
- Browse recommended opportunities and organizations based on their preferences/social data
- Sign up for or "express interest" in an opportunity
- Favorite an opportunity
- Follow an organization so that they are alerted to new or related opportunities
- Invite a friend/s to the platform
- See which of their friends are also users and see their activity
- Invite a friend to an opportunity
- Earn and display "badges" for certain achievements or activities
- Sign up for a background check (an integration with our background check partner, Verified Volunteers)
- Give a donation to an organization
- See an activity feed: their friends, their favorite organizations, their sign up history, their background check and/or other "badges"

Nonprofit/Cause Administrator
- Posting volunteer opportunities that get published on the platform
- Link a Twitter account so that a posting get's broadcast with a URL shortened link
- Link to a FB Page account so the opportunity gets posted to their wall.
- Verify their nonprofit status via EIN (integrate with a service like Guidestar)
- Integrate a payments processing solution to accept donations (Network for Good or PayPal)
- Integrate with our background screening partner so that they can send screening request to their volunteers
- Download CSV files of their interested volunteers
- Push communications to their followers
- See a dashboard: Their opportunity listings (active, expired, pending); their volunteer followers; their platform performance (how many impressions their opportunities have had through search discovery, social discovery, etc.)

Design Consideration
- Two-sided marketplace, like AirBnB, in which the primary audience is consumers, yet, there is a secondary login path for "sellers", which in our case are nonprofit organizations seeking to recruit volunteers and manage their opportunities.
- A platform that leverages social login (most likely Facebook) to find friends or causes on the platform and recommend new opportunities, like Spotify.
- A richer, more engaging UI/UX that includes more visual elements like photos and videos.

Screen Flows
The following screens only for recommendations, if you have a better concepts that will provide better solution for our goals, please feel free to create it.

01. Mainpage for all user groups
- Clean and visually appealing welcome 
- Basic navigation to other public content areas (blog, about, etc.)
- Clear ways to navigate to appropriate login for organization/cause users and volunteer users
- Potential ability to interact with content without logging in (i.e. search as currently offered or a "browse" function).
- In non-login mode, user cannot interact with opportunities (like, sign up, etc.).  System prompts user to login/create account if they click on an opportunity
- Potential for an ad banner

Volunteers Scenario
01. Login and Register Page
- User needs to login before able to use the app.
- Usual Login form (username, password, remember me, forgot password) 
- Provide registration form for user that not yet have an account to the platform.
- Options to register and login using Single Sign On (SSO) for volunteer users via Facebook that leverages data permissions and social graph
- Provide scenario if user enter wrong credential.

02. Dashboard Page
- Default screen to be shown after successfull login
- In this page, user can navigate, browse, search, find, and discover recommended volunteer opportunities for them
- Socialize, share, invite members of their social network
- See list of their groups 
- Browse the latest information about all activity within the app 
- User can see an activity feed from: their friends, their favorite organizations, their groups, their sign up history, their background check and/or other "badges" (think of facebook activity feeds style)
- Ability to perform quick and global search for anything (friends, organization, opportunity, etc).
- Ad banner placement

03. Browse Opportunities Page
- Browse/Show recommended opportunities and organizations based on user preferences/social data
- Ability to search opportunities by keyword, organization type, geography, date, skills, age, national event
- Show summary information about the opportunities
- Ability to take all actions described above against opportunity in this browse/summary mode (Sign up for or "express interest", like, share, etc.)
- Like/ Dislike for opportunities that helps feed the recommendations engine (if dislike, remove it from the screen)
- Ad banner placement

04. Opportunities Details Page
- User can check for more details about opportunities that they interested from this screen.
- Show details of opportunities information here (location, type of opportunities, where, when, who posted it, individual/organizational, time, etc).
- There should be some way to register to take part as volunteer in the opportunities
- Ability to marked the opportunity as "Favourite"
- Invite a friend to the opportunity inside platform
- Share with a group inside platform
- User should be informed about their benefits if join the opportunity / earn and display "badges" for certain achievements or activities
- A social media "like"/"dislike" content/opportunity types to improve recommendation engine.
- Share opportunities page with social network off platform 
- Comment thread--consider being private--only organization can see it

05. Organization Details Page
- Show details of organization information in this screen (background, type profit/non-profit, etc).  Their affinities (President's Volunteer Service Award, Verified Volunteers)
- Display some kind of icon if they are a certified nonprofit (Like Twitter verified account)
- User can follow/subscribe to an organization to be able get notification regarding new or related opportunities from the organization
- User will be able to give a donation to an organization (paypal/credit card/etc)
- Contact form to get in touch with the organization?
- Social share organization page with users social network
- Comment thread - consider private...may be same as contact form?

06. User Profile Page
- Volunteer profile with photos (pulled from FB), skills, their followed organizations, and a "badges"/"credits" section for future build out
- Sign up for a background check (an integration with our background check partner, Verified Volunteers)
- Integrate with our background screening partner so volunteers can order a screen, display in their profile, and share with an organization they want to volunteer with.
- More robust skills and availability profile (e.g. see only weekend projects)
- Ability to set their personal preferences for opportunity information filter which will be done by the apps engine.

Cause Account Admin (Non-Profit Organization)
01. Login and Register Page
- User needs to login before able to use the apps.
- Usual Login form (username, password, remember me, forgot password) 
- Provide scenario if user enter wrong credential.

02. Dashboard Page
- Show  opportunity listings (active, expired, pending) along with their volunteer followers
- Platform performance (how many impressions their opportunities have had through search discovery, social discovery, etc.)
- Have the ability to create a “new” opportunity from the dashboard page which would launch the user into a flow for creating a volunteer opportunity

03. Organization Profile Page
- Create branded organization page (organization.png) with their volunteer opportunities
- Improved chance for more volunteer by posting rich media file addition (logos, photos).
- Link a Twitter, Facebook, and/or LinkedIn account(s) so that a posting gets broadcast with a URL shortened link
- Verify their nonprofit status via EIN (integrate with a service like Guidestar)
- Integration with our background screening partner so that they can send screening request to their volunteers
- Indicate affinities:  PResident’s Volunteer Service Award Certifying organization; major partner networks? (Foodbanks, etc?)
- Payments integration to enable donations (make every volunteer opportunity an opportunity to give and/or give directly to the organization)
- List of all opportunities that being posted by the organization. (Archived, Active, and Pending).  Ability to clone or edit their listings.

04. Post Opportunities Page
- Posting volunteer opportunities that get published on the platform (opportunities.png)
- Create a questions and skill set that required for volunteer (questions.png & skills.png)
- Integrate a payments processing solution to accept donations (Network for Good or PayPal)
- Crowdfunding for volunteer projects?
- Ability to preview the opportunities before activate it

05. View Opportunities Progress Status (Opportunity Detail)
- View the opportunities detail page
- Show the progress, how many people join as volunteer, how many people search and look at the opportunities, how many donation coming in
- Any feedback from volunteer regarding the opportunities?
- Show list of volunteer that join their opportunities (attendance.png)
- Ability to download CSV file of their followers/supporters
- Ability to communicate with their followers and respond to comments privately

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Design Requirements:
We are just focusing on Desktop for now.
Desktop : 1280px width x height can expand based on content


Target Audience:
- Volunteers – individual, independent end-­-users
- Nonprofit/Causes – usually one (but could be more) administrator for a nonprofit account used to manage their volunteer opportunities. 
Additionally, there are administrators who work for client who will manage user access, privileges, run data reports, manage content, etc.

Judging Criteria:
- Overall User Experience
- Completeness and accuracy of the wireframe as defined in the challenge spec
- How well your wireframes provide a consistent user flow.
- How well your wireframe captures all the functionality.
- Any suggestions, interactions and user flows you recommend (provide any notes or comments for the client).

Submission & Source Files:
Preview Image
Please create your preview image as one (1) 1024x1024px JPG or PNG file in RGB color mode at 72dpi and place a screenshot of your submission within it.

Submission File
All requested contest requirements as clickable HTML files generated by Axure.  All the content must be listed and the pages are linked together to show page flow.

Source Files
Wireframes should be built in Axure. The resulting source files used to generate the clickable HTML files.
- All the content must be listed and the pages are linked together to show page flow.
- All fully editable original source files of the submitted wireframe as required by the contest under "Source Files" in the sidebar should be included in your Source zip file.

Final Fixes:
As part of the final fixes phase, you may be asked to modify content or user click paths

Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.

How To Submit

  • New to Studio? ‌Learn how to compete here
  • Upload your submission in three parts (Learn more here). Your design should be finalized and should contain only a single design concept (do not include multiple designs in a single submission).
  • If your submission wins, your source files must be correct and final fixes (if applicable) must be completed before payment can be released.
  • You may submit as many times as you'd like during the submission phase, but only the number of files listed above in the Submission Limit that you rank the highest will be considered. You can change the order of your submissions at any time during the submission phase. If you make revisions to your design, please delete submissions you are replacing.

Winner Selection

Submissions are viewable to the client as they are entered into the challenge. Winners are selected by the client and are chosen solely at the client's discretion.


2016 TopCoder(R) Open

Challenge links

Screening Scorecard

Submission format

Your Design Files:

  1. Look for instructions in this challenge regarding what files to provide.
  2. Place your submission files into a "" file.
  3. Place all of your source files into a "" file.
  4. Declare your fonts, stock photos, and icons in a "Declaration.txt" file.
  5. Create a JPG preview file.
  6. Place the 4 files you just created into a single zip file. This will be what you upload.

Trouble formatting your submission or want to learn more? ‌Read the FAQ.

Fonts, Stock Photos, and Icons:

All fonts, stock photos, and icons within your design must be declared when you submit. DO NOT include any 3rd party files in your submission or source files. Read about the policy.


All submissions are screened for eligibility before the challenge holder picks winners. Don't let your hard work go to waste. Learn more about how to  pass screening.

Challenge links

Questions? ‌Ask in the Challenge Discussion Forums.

Source files

  • HTML
  • RP file created with Axure

You must include all source files with your submission.

Submission limit


ID: 30054190