Project CONNECT - Visualforce Alloy Editor POC

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Welcome to the Project CONNECT Visualforce Alloy Editor POC. The objective of this challenge is to show how Alloy Editor can be integrated successfully in a Visualforce page. The idea is to use the Alloy Editor and a custom object (feel free to define the attributes/ discuss in the forums) to demonstrate the following operations


- Create custom object based on Alloy Editor Form

- Update custom object based on Alloy Editor Form updates


The custom object MUST support the following attributes


- Title

- Body (all styling must be preserved)

- Images

- Tables

- Tags


This is a good example of the elements that must be stored in the custom object. You should try and cover the maximum features from this list as part of your submission.


Key Criteria


The following criteria will be used to evaluate the winning submissions


- Polished UI, ease of use, should follow Lightning Design System Guidelines

- Maximum features covered as mentioned above

- Code quality

- Bonus points (1.1.7) to be provided by reviewer ONLY if the submission also demonstrates using Alloy Editor properly wrapped in a Lightning Component (in addition to a VF page which is independent of that)


Please ask questions in the forums if you have any doubts.

Final Submission Guidelines

Submit the following

- Source code zip

- Unmanaged package link

- Demo video (mandatory)

- Deployment Guide (mandatory)

- Demo org credentials (optional but highly recommended)


2016 TopCoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30054414