Challenge Overview

Welcome to the Dynamic UI Calculator Proof of Concept challenge. Our customer is looking for a creative solution to create a tool which allows them to display a calculator in a variety of web pages. Each web page may display different inputs/outputs, but should all call a single centralized service. The goal is to create a way for an administrator to quickly deploy a calculator to a webpage by pasting a snippet of code with some parameters to get a UI designed for their use case.

Contest Details

The goal of this challenge is to build a basic version of the dynamic UI that will power the calculator platform. A calculator will be targeted at one of two audiences: Producer and Consumer.

For this challenge we will work with some placeholder inputs that have been adapted from the actual calculator:

The default view should display all fields. However, an administrator of the calculator service/app should be able to configure a version of the app which does not display any number of fields at all. Only fields marked as not required should be able to be disabled by the administrator. The actual workflow is displayed below:


The calculator should function as follows once embedded:

- Does not display fields the Admin did not define

- Displays the total value of the calculation in real time (as the user enters data)

- Scales to fit the space allowed on the web page
This can be flexible how you solve - the web page admin could provide dimensions in px, or it can be responsive to fit into whatever space it looks like.

- Calculation performed as follows
        - If “Assume CPI Inflation Rate” = FALSE then calculate Present Value with the following variables:

            - rate: After-Tax Rate of Return

            - nper: Years to Replace Income

            - pmt: Income to Replace

         - Currently this is done in Excel - the link above explains how it maps the variables to calculate PV.
        - PV is the calculated value to be displayed in real time. There is an example of how to calculate PV here
        - Currently, you don’t have to calculate anything if “Assume CPI Inflation Rate” is TRUE.

You need to build your web server in .NET. We understand that this will primarily be a static web server. The bulk of the application will reside in the front end and you will need to use HTML + Javascript (No Frameworks - Simple Javascript. jQuery is allowed). Make sure that you deploy your code to Heroku.

Final Submission Guidelines

Provide your source code in a zip file to Topcoder Online Review.

A deployment guide is required. A short video is requested which outlines your solution.

Your submission should contain the heroku buildpacks and should allow us to deploy the app to heroku as well.

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30054512