Challenge Overview
For this challenge, we'd like separate out TCLoadTCS Loader related code into a standalone maven project, which can be built and run alone. so we can keep on making changes easily.
1. com.topcoder.utilities.dwload.TCLoadTCS is the main class to copy over
2. Copy over all the java files that is needed by com.topcoder.utilities.dwload.TCLoadTCS in shared repo and web_module repo (completed codebase attached in forum)
3. copy over related resources files to the resources directory of maven project.
4. needed configuration files and shell scripts, like, loadtcs.xml and under scripts/dwload directory
5.Other needed files from shared repo and web_module repo.
General Guide About Maven Project
1. For Depdendencies, use official jars if possible, if we can not find dependent jars in public repositories, we can put in, please check for how to install and use it.
2. General Maven Project Directory Structure
2.1 src/main/java/ - copied java files from shared and web_module repos.
2.2 src/main/resource/ - copied resource files
2.3 scripts - files like, loadtcs.xml and from scripts/dwload directory
2.4 pom.xml - resolve the dependencies and target to build a single jar including everything, so we can reference a single jar in and
About Testing
1. Please check about how to use informix docker locally
2. update the configurations in scripts directory, so the loader can run against the informix docker, but it simply do nothing. since missing of data to load with.
2. file describing the build and run of the DW Loader.
1. com.topcoder.utilities.dwload.TCLoadTCS is the main class to copy over
2. Copy over all the java files that is needed by com.topcoder.utilities.dwload.TCLoadTCS in shared repo and web_module repo (completed codebase attached in forum)
3. copy over related resources files to the resources directory of maven project.
4. needed configuration files and shell scripts, like, loadtcs.xml and under scripts/dwload directory
5.Other needed files from shared repo and web_module repo.
General Guide About Maven Project
1. For Depdendencies, use official jars if possible, if we can not find dependent jars in public repositories, we can put in, please check for how to install and use it.
2. General Maven Project Directory Structure
2.1 src/main/java/ - copied java files from shared and web_module repos.
2.2 src/main/resource/ - copied resource files
2.3 scripts - files like, loadtcs.xml and from scripts/dwload directory
2.4 pom.xml - resolve the dependencies and target to build a single jar including everything, so we can reference a single jar in and
About Testing
1. Please check about how to use informix docker locally
2. update the configurations in scripts directory, so the loader can run against the informix docker, but it simply do nothing. since missing of data to load with.
Final Submission Guidelines
1. Completely separated codebase for DW Loader2. file describing the build and run of the DW Loader.