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Challenge Overview

Competition Task Overview

Styx Dashboard is a web application that aggregates and presents metrics from multiple instances (typically 12 or less) of a specific software residing on multiple physical servers.

The purpose of this challenge is to fix some defects we found in the Styx Dashboard web application, at a high level we'll focus on the following issues (mostly UI related):

1.  DE7099 Event calendar date overlaps the calendar icon
2.  DE8415 WATCH Full_Mobile testing_System Overview: The Total system counts trend is better to keep on one line with system counts.
3.  DE8417 OnGuard Server_Badge Created: It is better to keep space between PER HOUR dropdown list and BY TYPE tab. (iPad)
4.  DE8521 Area Utilization | Configuration - Modify UI element for an existing Area is changed after canceling to modify
5.  DE8665 Communication Server | Services - The OnGuard/Watch services legend display abnormally when date range is over 7 days. (x-axis)
6.  DE9606 Threshold modal and the My profile modal / format almost clipping left side of data (iPad)
7.  DE9667 SMTP Server - 'Loading' flashes across on the top of SMTP Server page but it's overlapped 
8.  DE9836 SMTP- error message overlaps static text
9.  DE10321 Thresholds -value option is displaying a up/down arrow
10. DE10468 Area utilization section is hyperlinked in system overview when no areas are added.
11. DE10617 My Profile: Notification count for metrics is hyperlinked but no response when clicked for '0 thresholds'
12. DE10658 Database server: Archive database tab in database backup section displayed briefly when no archive database is configured.
13. DE10845 Dropdown in the username still appears when the cursor is clicked in any area of the page
14. DE11034 OnGuard Server - OnGuard Alarms - The line graph is displayed abnormally after refreshing the page with Per Day view selected (x-axis) 

Please register to see full challenge details / list of bugs to fix. All requirements in the forum are in scope.

The final code must all work when built as installer using NewSetupFull project.

The installer can only be built in release mode, and you'll need a license file to be able to run it. Details on this will be provided in the forum.
If you run the installer, you have to follow the steps outlined in the NGINX assembly document


Unit test are not required.

Winner Responsibility

The winner of this challenge will be asked to help with code merge.

Technology Overview

SQL Server
Visual Studio 2015

Documentation Provided

Register to download all details from challenge forum.

Final Submission Guidelines

Submission Deliverables

A complete list of deliverables can be viewed in the TopCoder Assembly competition Tutorial at: 

Below is an overview of the deliverables:
Updated code that fixes all the listed defects.
A complete and detailed deployment document explaining how to deploy the application including configuration information.
The final code must work properly when built as installer (NewSetupFull project)

Final Submission

For each member, the final submission should be uploaded via the challenge detail page on

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30054703