Hercules Fog C++ Recorder - Customer feature requests

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

The Hercules Player is an application that allows customers to download videos to their computer or device for offline playback, along with streaming playback of videos for online playback.

The Hercules Fog project has stripped out some key portions of the Hercules Player application into a new test application for downloading videos from a server, modifying the manifest, and then playing back on various mobile and TV devices.

The current implementation is C++ and will run on:

  • Windows

This challenge will deal with some customer requests - both new features and existing bugs.

Note:  The Fog codebase was branched when we added support for Mpeg DASH.  These bugs and fixes will be against the old codebase, since that is the first version of the app that will be moving to production.

Code sensitivity

The current codebase is nearing a production release to a large number of devices.  Because of this, you must be very careful not to make changes needlessly.  This means that:

* You should not refactor any code
* You should not introduce any changes to the build setup 
* You should not introduce any new dependencies or update any libraries

If you have questions about any of this, feel free to ask in the forum.  We just have to be very careful about what is changed at this point.


These are the logged bugs we are going to target for this challenge:


Note that the comments on the tickets help clarify some things, so make sure to read the descriptions and the comments.  If you have any questions, please ask in the forum, not in Gitlab.


For each fix, you MUST provide an individual README file describing in detail what you changed and why.  This is important so we can properly validate each fix.  Markdown format is allowed for the deployment guide and README documentation.  No video is required for this challenge.

Submission format:

Your submission format must be a Git patch file against commit hash 8e4e8045750848d9b69dd2bc22ec1a3a67f93821.

Your submission should not break a platform build - review will be done in OS X, but you will be responsible for fixes if your changes break the Linux or Windows or OS X build.

Final Submission Guidelines

Please see above


2016 TopCoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30054712