Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Welcome to the Enhancements to npm module load-grunt-parent-tasks contest. In this contest we would like you to make enhancements to the load-grunt-parents-tasks package to work with npm version 3.6 and node 5.7+.

Set up

Install node 5.7+ from here

Git clone the load-grunt-parent-tasks repo on Github

Project Overview 

The client uses the load-grunt-parent-tasks npm package as part of their workflow. Unfortunately the package does not work with node 5.7+ and this has disrupted development. The package needs to be enhanced to work with npm version 3.6 and node 5.7+.

Contest Overview

Currently the npm package load-grunt-parent-tasks works with npm 2.12.1 and node 4.2. An ideal use case for this package is nested modules. An example can be found here in the Github README and Stack Overflow question on the page. When npm install is executed on nested modules using this package, ideally it should create a reference from the parent module with the help of the ‘gruntcollection’ keyword in the package.json. However, on later versions of npm (npm 3+), executing npm install downloads all node_modules again for each of the nested modules, which defeats the purpose of the load-grunt-parent-tasks package. You are required to make load-grunt-parent-tasks work in the way it was originally intended but with npm 3.6 and node 5.7+. 



Use DRY coding principles where possible

You MUST include unit tests

All JavaScript must be free for commercial use, without restriction.

Use npm for any third party Javascript libraries. Your submission should not ship with these files. Only provide a package.json file mentioning the dependencies. 

Framework Requirements

Node 5.7+ and npm 3.6

Final Submission Guidelines

Before submitting, make sure that your Javascript code have been validated and there are no errors. In case of any exceptions that the reviewer needs to make, specify this in your README file. Verify that it meets all the requirements mentioned earlier.

-You should test your submission with an example showing nested modules as seen in the README for package
-All code should be fully unit tested and documented. Please use best practices here.
-Upload your code as a .zip file to the Submit and Review tool for this contest.
-Upload detailed documentation for how to run your submission, and to test it.


2016 TopCoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30054818