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The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Welcome to the PeoplePortal iOS POC Challenge!  In this challenge we'll be developing a proof on concept iOS app based on Salesforce1 for both iPhone and iPad devices.

-- iOS app should be completely native, written in Swift, except for the inclusion of Cordova for the main viewing area.
-- Use English for this challenge. Include support for a translator to later insert the other two languages (Dutch, French).
-- Create “quick-switching” between supported languages with a setting in the app.
-- The app should connect to Salesforce backend as a Connected App
-- Upon launch of the app the user should be presented with the standard Salesforce login view.
-- The main viewing area (except the header) must render Lightning Page in a native iOS Web view/container.
-- The main viewing area (except the header) should Render a VisualForce Page with Lightning Page in Web Container

Please see the challenge forums for full challenge requirements, code standards, graphical assets, logins, etc.

Final Submission Guidelines

All submission are required to include a basic text file including only the following information:
"I certify that I am 21 years of age or older.  My birthday is DD/MM/YYYY"
Please fill in the date with your actual birthdate.

Your submission will be automatically failed if you do not include this text file.

In addition to the above requirement:
-- Xcode 7.3 project with all screens and functionality as outlined above and in the functional specification document and guidelines located in the forums
-- Code must compile against iOS SDK 9.3 with a deployment target of iOS 8.0
-- Develop for iPhone and iPad class sizes - targeting highest resolutions
-- All code must be written in Swift + Cordova (where required) and be well commented
-- Upload your source project as a zip


2016 TopCoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30054866