Challenge Overview
We deal a lot with Hercules services across a variety of projects, including websites, C++ embedded systems, and mobile apps for iOS and Android. We have an existing set of base service calls implemented in Node. This challenge will expand the services to include a new service class for accessing a service called VPIL.
A sample Ruby script will be provided in the forum that covers the required calls to be implemented in the VPIL service. The VPIL service should be implemented and properly integrated with the other services in the base libraries. Don't duplicate code - reuse the existing base classes that already exist!
The existing code will be linked to from the forum, including the README on how to build and test the base libraries.
Unit tests
You MUST provide unit tests to fully cover the new service calls. You should test positive *and* negative values (incorrect or missing parameters, etc...)
Your submission to OR should be a Git patch file that can be applied to see the fixes. Here is documentation on how to generate a Git patch file:
For this challenge we will target commit hash 45608600769af6e0553fef1408d2be5629dd6ae7.