Challenge Overview
In this challenge you are developing set of APIs for Brilliant Careers app.
Challenge Requirements
You will build the following endpoints in this challenge :
- Register
- Route : /register
- The endpoint will create new user using the provided parameters, and auto login user.
- Input :
- First name
- Last name
- Username
- Password
- Photo (URL)
- School
- Grade
- Response
- Return the created user information (exclude password) including the auth token.
- Login
- Route : /login
- User should be able to login using username or password.
- Response
- The created auth token.
- Logout
- Route : /logout
- This endpoint should destroy the passed in auth token.
- Login with facebook/google/twitter
- Create endpoints to support register and auto login user using the three social networks : google, facebook, and twitter.
- User fields should be pulled from the social accounts if possible.
- Endpoints should register user if not exist, if exists, it should auto login by creating auth token and return it.
- Forgot Password
- Route : /forgotpassword
- Send a forgot password email.
- The user can submit to this endpoint using either an email or username.
- The logic should use password code and configurable expiration date.
- Reset Password
- Route: /resetPassword
- This will reset the user password.
- Input : email, reset code, and password.
- Get User Profile
- Route: /{username}
- This endpoint returns user profile information.
- If username is ‘me’ then return the logged in user token.
- This endpoint should be protected.
- Get Schools
- Route: /schools
- This is a lookup endpoint to return list of schools.
- Get Grades
- Route: /grades
- This is a lookup endpoint to return list of grades.
- Get connected social networks
- Route: /social/connections
- This endpoint should return list of connected social networks of the calling user.
- It should include the user profile id, social network username.
- Disconnect social network connection
- Route : /social/{type}/disconnect
- This endpoint should disconnect the specified social network {type} of the calling user.
- Prefix for api routes : /api/
- All api endpoints input parameters should be properly validated.
- Create simple authentication logic that generate and store auth tokens in separate table, including information : time, and login IP.
- Error messages should be in json format, with fields : message, error code, and error flag (true).
- Attached in forums a nodejs api starter kit, you must use it as base code for your work.
- We don’t have specific DB table definitions, we are open to your creativity here.
- Use Mailgun to send emails.
- Postman file should be updated with proper endpoints and test cases.
- Proper logging should be added for all endpoints.
- All code must be linted using
- All code must be properly documented.
Technology Stack
- NodeJS 4.x
- Postgres 9.4
- Heroku
Final Submission Guidelines
- Git patch file that include all changes.
- Deployment guide should be the README filed updated with all required steps to deploy and test your app locally and on heroku.
- Verification document.